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Use mincer to concatenate your sources.

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-mincer

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Mincer is a multi task, meaning that grunt will automatically iterate over all mince targets if a target is not specified.


Inside your grunt.js file, add a section named mince. Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.


include string|array

List of directories that are added to mincer load path. If you have only one directory it can be specified as a single string.

enable string|array

List of configurations like autoprefixer or source_maps that should be enabled in mincer's environment.

helpers object

Use to define helpers functions for EJS module. You can preprocess any resource with EJS as long as you use ejs extension.

engines object

Object with configuration options for each mincer engine.

configure function(mincer)

Optional configure function that is called before before compile phase: allows for direct access to mincer object.

manifestPath string

Path to manifest.json file that will be generated from assets. It will contain several attributes for faster access to assets. Check out mincer documentation for more information about manifest usage. If manifestPath is set assets are compiled into this directory, the destination information in the files configuration will be ignored.

jsCompressor string|function(context, data)

JavaScript compression function or predefined mincer js compressor identifier "uglify". If predefined identifier is used - uglify-js package needs to be installed. Check out mincer jsCompressor documentation for more details.

cssCompressor string|function(context, data)

CSS compression function or predefined mincer css compressor identifier "csso". If predefined identifier is used - csso package needs to be installed. Check out mincer cssCompressor documentation for more details.

sourceMappingBaseURL string

The base url to use when referencing source-maps in compiled assets. Defaults to "" if not explicitly set.

sourceMappingURL function(options, file)

Optional function that is called to determine the sourceMappingURL for a file. Has access to the grunt task options as well as the file object for current asset. By default returns the destination filename prefixed with the sourceMappingBaseURL


The files on which the task operates can be defined using all the powerful options provided by Grunt. See the Configuring tasks guide for details on the different ways to configure the file sets.

Config Examples

There are couple of formats you can use to configure mincer task.

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: ["src", "module/src"]
    files: [{
      src: "main.js",
      dest: "build/main.js"

You can compile multiple assets into one output file:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: ["src", "module/src"]
    files: [{
      src: ["main.js", "extra.js"],
      dest: "build/main.js"

You can dynamically build the file mapping:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: ["src", "module/src"]
    files: [
        cwd: "javascripts",
        src: ["**/*.coffee", "**/*.js", "!**/index.js"],
        dest: "build/main.js",
        expand: true

And if you only have one include directory you can specify it as string:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: "src"

Manifest generation:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: ["src", "module/src"],
      manifestPath: "build/manifest.json",
      manifestOptions: {
        compress: false,
        sourceMaps: false,
        embedMappingComments: false
    files: [
        src: ["**/*.coffee", "**/*.js", "**/*.scss"],
        dest: "build/"

By setting the manifestPath you enable compiling and writing the assets to the given directory. The assets will be written to fingerprinted files. Optionally you can specify manifestOptions. This object will be passed through to mincer unmodified. See the mincer documentation for supported options. The defaults are to disable compression and source maps.

You can use a different format for each target.

You can configure Mincer engines: this configures CoffeeEngine to use bare compilation option, and instructs StylusEngine to use nib.

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: "src",
      engines: {
        Coffee: {
          bare: true
        Stylus: function(stylus) {
    files: [{
      src: "main.js",
      dest: "build/main.js"

You can also define EJS helpers in your gruntfile:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: "src",
      helpers: {
        version: function() {
          return "3.2.1";
    files: [{
      src: "main.js.ejs",
      dest: "build/main.js"

To access Mincer directly used configure option:

mince: {
  main: {
    options: {
      include: "src",
      configure: function(mincer) {
          error: function(msg) {}
    files: [{
      src: "main.js.ejs",
      dest: "build/main.js"


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History

  • grunt-mincer 0.2 is compatible with grunt 0.3
  • grunt-mincer 0.3 and newer is compatible with grunt 0.4



Copyright (c) 2012 (pirxpilot) Damian Krzeminski Licensed under the MIT license.


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