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Folder Settings contain the main configuration file config.php containing usefull constant :

//Basic database configuration
define('BDD_HOST', 'localhost');
define('BDD_USER', 'root');
define('BDD_PASS', 'root');

//Your application name
define('BDD_NAME', 'SIMPLE_API');

//your main folder on servor (if different of servor root folder)
define('URL_FOLDER', URL_SERVOR.'/MyFolder');

You can also activate debug mode by setting MODE_DEV to true

define('MODE_DEV', TRUE);


You can add a new module by using console in root folder from terminal... (if your php PATH is not in /usr/bin, you can use the second one)

./console create:module
php console create:module

... or by adding a folder structure in Modules folder like this :

  • Modules
      • class
      • controllers
      • view
      • routes.php


You can create routes in the Settings/routes.php or Modules/MYMODULE/routes.php files. You can define routes in this file with static method

R::addRoute('RequestType', 'my/route', 'ControllerName');

RequestType : GET, POST, PUT, DELETE R::addRoute('RequestType', 'my/route', 'ControllerName::myMethod') You can call a specific method by this way:

Route::addRoute('RequestType', 'my/route', 'ControllerName::myMethod');

For an alias association, you can do :

R::addRoute('RequestType', 'my/route', 'ControllerName::myMethod')

Route can use parameters :

R::addRoute('GET', 'my/users/@id', 'User');

with regex :

R::addRoute('GET', 'my/users/@id', 'User')->using('@id', [1-9]+);

you can also add GET or POST parameters :

R::addRoute('POST', 'add/user', 'User')


You can create controllers in Controllers folder or in Modules/MYMODULE/controllers folder. Controllers have to be named with Controller suffix, are called without this suffix in routes, have the same php file name and extends the class Controller :

class TestController extends Controller {
    //ask if user have to be connected for main usage (true / false)
    protected function authenticationRequirement() {
        return true;
    //define the main view
    protected function defineMainView() {
        $this->mainView = 'index';
    //What to do if thiere is authentication or other error
    protected function errorLoadingController() {
        $this->mainView = '404';
    //main function , define smarty vars
    public function main() {
        $this->tplVar('user', 'you');

The main function is the principal function to use here. you have to call parent::main() at the end of your functon to continue controller execution

Methods available on controllers :

$id = $this->getRouteParam('@id'); //get the route parameter 
$username = $this->GET('username'); //get the $_GET['username']
$password = $this->POST('password'); //get the $_POST['password']
$this->tplVar('user', 'myname');  //set template var
$this->arrTplVar(array('user' => 'myname')); //set array of template var
$isGet = $this->isGET(); //return if request is get
$isPost = $this->isPOST(); //return if request is post

You can create ajax or api controllers, serving application/json data with the parent Controller AjaxController :

class ApiController extends AjaxController {

	protected function errorLoadingController() {
	    $this->mainView = "404";

    public function api_users() {
        $this->jsonData = User::getAll();

Defining the mainView is useless for AjaxControllers. In action functions, use $this->jsonData for setup data you want to display. Don't forget to call parent main function wich display those data.


Classes are set in Modules/MYMODULE/class. They have the same php file name as the class name and they can extends Objectmodel :

class MyUser extends ObjectModel{
    private $username;
    private $password;
    protected function getBddDescription() {
        //return quick description of property -> bdd column name
        return array(
            'table' => 'User',
            'parameters' => array(
                'username' => 'email',
                'password' => 'password'
    function getUsername() {
        return $this->username;

    function getPassword() {
        return $this->password;
    function setUsername($username) {
        $this->username = $username;

    function setPassword($password) {
        $this->password = $password;
$user = new User();

$user2 = new User(2); //Immediatly read the user in database at id=2 (only for atribute where setter is defined)

//CRUD in database

ObjectModel is a database-based object :

  • You need to implement getBddDescription for link variable to database column name "property" => "column name"), create setter for property you want to auto hydrate, so the automatic read will work if you pass an id to Object constructor. Don't precise id if you don't want to auto hydrate. Don't forget to precise table name.
  • You need to implements getter if you are working on api and auto generate json for Api controllers.
  • You can get all Object From class with static method : self::getAllObjects(Boolean useConstructor, Array condition)


Database is based on Meedo Library. You can call Bdd anywhere in object or controllers like this :

$bdd = Bdd::getBdd();
$bdd_user = $bdd->get('users', '*', [ 'id' => 3 ]);


Views can be set in View folder or Modules/MYMODULE/view. Templates are based on Smarty and are .tpl files. They are called without .tpl extensions on Controllers classes.

{include file="./common/header.tpl" title="home"}
    Hello {$user}
{include file="./common/footer.tpl"}


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