AIRobot is a python library to interface with robots. It follows a similar architecture from PyRobot.
- Citation
- Installation
- Supported Robots
- Getting Started
- Credits
- Build API Docs
- Run Tests
- License
- Coding Style
- Acknowledgement
If you use AIRobot in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.
author={Tao Chen and Anthony Simeonov and Pulkit Agrawal},
journal={GitHub repository},
If you want to use ROS to interface with robots, please install ROS Kinetic first.
If you want to use ROS for UR5e robots, please install ur5e driver.
If you are using RealSense cameras, please follow the instructions here or here.
Use the dockerfile provided in this library. Checkout the instructions for docker usage. Docker is not needed if you just want to use the pybullet simulation environment.
You might want to install it in a virtual environment.
If you are using ROS, you can use virtualenv. Note that Anaconda doesn't work well with ROS. And only Python 2.7 is recommended for ROS at this point.
If you only want to use the robots in the PyBullet simulation environment, then you can use Python 2.7 or Python 3.7. And you can use either virtualenv for Python 2.7, venv for Python 3.7 or Anaconda.
git clone
cd airobot
pip install -e .
- UR5e with ROS
- UR5e in PyBullet
- ABB YuMi in PyBullet
- Franka Robot in Pybullet
If you want to use Sawyer or LoCoBot, you can use PyRobot.
A sample script is shown below. You can find more examples here
from airobot import Robot
# create a UR5e robot in pybullet
robot = Robot('ur5e',
pb_cfg={'gui': True})
robot.arm.move_ee_xyz([0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
AIRobot is maintained by the Improbable AI team at MIT. It follows a similar architecture in PyRobot. Contributors include:
Run the following commands to build the API webpage.
cd docs
Then you can use any web browser to open the API doc (docs/build/html/index.html
pytest is used for unit tests. TODO: more test cases need to be added.
cd airobot/tests
MIT license
AIRobot uses Google style for formatting docstrings. We use Flake8 to perform additional formatting and semantic checking of code.
We gratefully acknowledge the support from Sony Research Grant and DARPA Machine Common Sense Program.