Pitch accent illustrations in SVG.
- clean and simple SVG
- high/low pitch indicators aligned with kana
- each accent position corresponds to one mora, 拗音 (e.g. きゃ) are automatically merged
- web interface with pitch accent lookup based on Wadoku data
- pitch.html: manually draw
- pitch_auto.html: automatic annotation
$ python3 draw_pitch.py <characters> <pitch_pattern>
- where pitch pattern is made up of
- where pitch pattern is made up of
- example
$ python3 draw_pitch.py はな 010 > 花.html $ firefox 花.html
- uses the font Noto Sans JP (not embedded in SVGs)
- accent notation style similar to 大辞林 アクセント解説
was generated from a Wadoku XML dump
(see anki_add_pitch/wadoku_parse.py and anki_add_pitch.py for more details)