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Team Members

Team Member Telegram ID Email Address
Nursultan Abdullaev @nursabd [email protected]
Ruslan Izmailov @Nooth1ng [email protected]
Alisher Kabardiyadi @Eth3ri4l [email protected]
Kira Strelnikova @Kira354 [email protected]
Ammar Meslmani @spaghetti_c0der [email protected]

Value Proposition

  • Problem:

The A-level Economics exam preparation process currently lacks a structured and systematic approach, creating significant challenges for students. In contrast to the Russian Unified State Exam (ЕГЭ), which has a well-defined structure that helps students clearly understand their performance in various topics, the A-levels do not offer similar clarity. This ambiguity in the A-level examination system makes it difficult for students, especially newcomers, to ascertain which topics they have mastered and which they need to focus on. Additionally, the primary resources available for A-level exam preparation are typically static PDF documents provided by educators, which do not facilitate interactive learning or performance tracking. Unlike the ЕГЭ, where there are numerous online platforms that provide structured practice and feedback, A-level students must often resort to manually organizing their study materials and independently tracking their progress, leading to a disjointed and inefficient study process. This lack of structured preparation resources and feedback mechanisms places A-level students at a disadvantage, making the exam preparation experience unnecessarily challenging and stressful.

  • Solution Description:

To effectively address the structured preparation deficiencies in A-level Economics exam preparation, we propose a web application that uses state-of-the-art machine learning technology to transform static PDF documents into dynamic, interactive study materials. Upon uploading their practice question PDFs, students will benefit from the app's text parsing algorithms that systematically extract and analyze questions. Each question is then categorized by the ML model according to its topic and difficulty level, and transformed into interactive cards displaying essential metadata like difficulty and topic category. This approach not only makes navigation and review more straightforward but also enhances the overall study experience by providing a more organized and engaging learning environment.

  • Benefits to Users:

The web application designed for A-level Economics exam preparation offers several key benefits to its users. Firstly, it transforms the traditionally static and disjointed study materials into a cohesive and interactive format, significantly improving engagement and retention of information. The ability to upload and parse PDFs into categorized questions allows students to clearly understand which areas they have covered and which they need to focus on, addressing the confusion often associated with the A-level's unstructured format. Each question is presented with detailed metadata, such as difficulty and topic, making it easier for students to target their studies effectively and efficiently. Additionally, by consolidating all study materials into a single platform, the app reduces the need for multiple external tools, streamlining the preparation process and making study sessions more productive. This structured and user-friendly approach ultimately aids in reducing the stress and uncertainty typically associated with exam preparation, making the learning process more pleasant and less overwhelming.

  • Differentiation:

The proposed web application stands out in the A-level Economics exam preparation market through several distinct features. Unlike existing resources, which predominantly consist of static PDFs and lack interactivity, our application utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to parse and categorize questions from uploaded documents. This not only provides a more interactive learning environment but also ensures that each question is accurately identified by topic and difficulty level, a capability not commonly found in other study aids. Furthermore, the ability to transform these questions into interactive cards with essential metadata allows for a level of engagement and personalized study that traditional methods do not offer. This approach directly addresses the specific needs of A-level students, who currently lack dedicated platforms that cater to the nuanced demands of their curriculum, setting our solution apart in an environment where generic educational tools are the norm. Our application’s focus on user-friendly design and tailored content specifically for A-level Economics positions it as a unique and valuable tool in enhancing students' preparation and confidence in facing their examinations.

  • User Impact:

The impact of our web application on A-level Economics students is substantial and multifaceted. By providing a structured and interactive platform for exam preparation, the app directly enhances students' ability to efficiently manage their study time and focus on areas needing improvement. The transformation of static PDFs into dynamic, interactive cards with detailed metadata allows students to engage more deeply with the material, promoting better understanding and retention of economic concepts. This targeted approach helps diminish the overwhelming aspects of exam preparation, thereby reducing stress and increasing confidence. As students use the application to consistently review and assess their progress, they are likely to see measurable improvements in their understanding and performance in exams.

  • User Testimonials or Use Cases:

Testimonial 1

"Before using this app, I felt lost with piles of unorganized PDFs and notes. Now, I can quickly upload my resources and instantly get a clear breakdown of questions by topic and difficulty. It’s like having a personal tutor that organizes everything for me. My preparation is now much more focused and effective."

  • Emily, A-level Economics Student

Use Case 1

John, an A-level Economics teacher, incorporates the application into his teaching regimen. He recommends that his students upload their practice PDFs to the app, allowing them to independently manage their revision while he tracks their progress through the platform. This not only makes his students more self-sufficient but also enables John to provide targeted assistance based on the analytics provided by the app.

Testimonial 2

"The interactive question cards have changed the way I study. I can now see exactly where my weak points are and get suggestions on what to study next. This app has definitely relieved a lot of the stress of A-level exam prep."

  • Liam, A-level Economics Student

Use Case 2

Sarah, a student struggling with time management and exam anxiety, uses the application to systematically approach her revision. By focusing on high-difficulty questions identified by the app, she efficiently allocates her study time to areas that most impact her exam performance, leading to a more confident and prepared state on exam day.