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SewerRats for NFT Staking and Rewarding

A NFT staking and reward project with the integration of OpenSea. Based off of the SewerRats website:


Frontend Setup

Clone this repo and enter the project directory:

$ git clone
$ cd sewer_rat_website

Install dependencies:

$ npm install


Run the local webpack-dev-server with livereload and autocompile on http:https://localhost:3000/

$ npm start


Build the current application

$ npm run build


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Smart Contract

The smart contract projet is based on Truffle. So all packages and dependencies should be installed.

$ cd sewer_rat_contracts
$ npm install

If truffle framework is not installed, run following command with assertions for contract test environment.

$ npm install --save truffle
$ npm install truffle-assertions

Additional installation

$ npm install --save eth-gas-reporter
$ npm install --save truffle-plugin-verify

As the most advanced framework for testing smart contracts, install waffle using the command below.

$npm install --save-dev ethereum-waffle

Compiling smart contract

$ truffle compile

Additional Truffle commands

Look for Usage, Description, and Options of migrate command

$truffle help migrate 

Without compilation before migrating, run contracts from a specific migration to a specific migration The number refers to the prefix of the migration file. i.e:

$ truffle migrate --f 1 --to 3 --compile-none --network rinkeby

To run test scripts without compilation.

$truffle help test


$ truffle test ../test/presale/token.test.js --compile-none

Rinkeby Test network

SERC20: 0xC8a02227058026D5072bd0471f30934A0D2803B7

SRSC(RatERC721): 0x2aC005beE2ff28ad46DB5fCcb5222b29D346e4Df

SRSCCheddaz(ChedERC721): 0xF6c616E7dc75eBa82ca77E10FC23c305be8498aA

ChizDispenserV4: 0x394daC740B43318270FC4Ca0c9B95038D43B822B