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Getting Up and Running

Jonathan Niles edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 8 revisions

Getting up and running on BHIMA can be complicated - this wiki should help get you started with a demo so you can actually see the software. If you just want to browse the software, you can check out our online demo: (username: admin, password admin).

If you want to get a local version of BHIMA running, we've prepped some sample data for you! It built using the bash script Though it is written in bash, it should run without too much issue under git bash on Windows, if that is your developmental environment.

It pulls all its information out of the .env.development file to figure out what the database should be and so forth.

Once that file is built, it can can be used to run trials of the application. Our team is split into Linux and Windows devs and so we try to support both for development:


npm run dev

Now you should have a server up and listening on whatever port you put in your .env file - by default it is 8080. Opening https://localhost:8080 in your browser will get you to the login page.

Note - our clientele is mainly in Africa so everything might be in French by default. If so, you can change the language with the little caret in the top left corner of the login panel. Your language will be cached, so you only need to do this once. This procedure is shown below:


Fig 1: Changing the Language on the Login Page

The username will be superuser and the password superuser. It will automatically reroute you to the landing page. There should be a folder tree to the left side of the page. If there is not, click the bar that says "Navigation" and it will appear. Clicking folders and links in these folders will route you around the application. Have fun!

If you run into any problems with the setup, please tell us about it. Feel free to give us feedback liberally, every little bit of information helps us make a better product for you.