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DESCRIPTION: I have created an online food website wherein it consists of three HTML pages and stylesheets. In this, I have first created a home page. • In the header, we have created a navigation bar and logo for our website. • We have used animation to enhance the customer's view. • Clicking onto the menu, it slides over a side navigation window that displays the list of some options with the use of the navigation function. • The stylesheet is used accordingly. • To see about the body of HTML, I have created one input type to enter the address of the customer, followed by the delivery drop-down feature. • For the background, an image is added as a cover. • At the bottom of the home page, I have created a footer with the help of an unordered list. • JavaScript is used for the animation which is done in the navigation bar. Two functions are created in such a way that it implies the opening and closing of the navigation bar. SIGN-IN PAGE: • Get the email id or mobile from the user. • Check whether the entered password is correct, I have also linked the sign-up page here. • CSS is styled accordingly. The background is given as white. • JavaScript is used to hide and show the elements in the div. • Create input type submit to submit the form. SIGN-UP PAGE: • The mobile number, email address, first name, last name is collected from the user using the input tag. • The password is also created. • JavaScript is used to hide and show the elements in the div. • CSS is styled accordingly. The background is given as white. • Create input type submit to submit the form. The sign-in and sign-up pages were linked with the homepage at the menu. XML PAGES: Food availability is displayed with the help of xml files. XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) is used to store data and transfer data. Two pages of XML is created. • Food deliver website is developed with the help of HTML, CSS and java script (JS). • An xml page is created for representing the food item’s list with its price. • A parent class catalog is opened and closed at end of xml file and sub classes are defined. • Three sub classes are created for the tables. • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and dessert are displayed. • After creating the XML file XSD is generated for corresponding xml documents. • XSL file format is same as html file • In body tag a heading tag is used to give the title of the page • Using table tag tables are created to display food item’s names and corresponding prices. • ‘Th’ tag is used to give headings • In tr tag for displaying the food item’s name, first we should select the class for-each select command in XML is used • In td tag value-of is use to display the food item’s names and prices. • This XML file will be linked to xml file using stylesheet tag. JAVA FILE: Include the driver and establish the connection. Insert the query using the prepare statement. Now execute the query. Link the html file sign up page with java class file with the help of xml. In xml file map the servlet name, servlet class, URL pattern.