The University Management System is a C++ console application designed to manage university-related data, including departments, professors, students, and courses.
- Manage departments with information such as name, capacity, and required GPA.
- Add, remove, and update professors' data, including name, age, gender, salary, and degree.
- Track students' records with details like name, age, gender, level, and GPA.
- Create, delete, and update courses, including course name, code, hours, prerequisites, and professor.
- Store and retrieve university data using an efficient data structure. Compile the C++ source code using your preferred C++ compiler (e.g., g++): g++ main.cpp -o university_management Run the compiled executable: ./university_management
-Upon running the program, you will have access to various options for managing departments, professors, students, and courses.
-Follow the on-screen instructions to add, remove, or update data in the system.
-You can also use the provided sample data as a starting point for testing the program.
-Department: Represents a university department with attributes such as name, capacity, and required GPA.
-Person: Base class for Student and Professor classes, containing common attributes like name, ID, age, and gender.
-Student: Derived class from Person, representing a student with additional attributes like level and GPA.
-Professor: Derived
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