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Web site to generate and use virtual machine from Azure

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AstroCloud 🪐

This project was developed by (Romain Bidault).
It is a web application with a custom API to generate virtual machines with Microsoft Azure.

1. Requirements 🚨

Minimum Node.js version: v16
Minimum NPM version: v8 (will be installed with Node.js)

2. Technologies Used ‍💻

Express: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and statically generated web applications.
Express: A fast and minimalistic Node.js web application framework for building APIs and server-side applications.
Azure SDK: A library that enables interaction with various Azure services for cloud computing and management.

3. How to Install and Use the Application 📇

In the client folder, change the localhost in the .env file to the machine's IP address:

NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL="http:https://{your ip}:3030/api"

In the server folder, change the following IDs in the .env file to your Azure IDs:

DELETE_TIME={time to delete vm in ms}

To start the application, go to the root of the project and run the following command:

npm run start

⚠️ IMPORTANT: if you have an error try to install in folder server tr46 npm install tr46@latest ⚠️ after do this folowing commande if never change

cd /server
npm cache clean --force
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf package-lock.json
npm install


cd /client
npm cache clean --force
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf package-lock.json
npm install

When you see "Server Front started" and "Server Back started" in blue in the terminal, you can open http:https://localhost:3000 to view the application in your browser.


3.4. App Login 🔑

This application has 3 users with different access rights:

Username Password Description
1 [email protected] romaintest This user has all access and can create several VMs.
2 [email protected] okthibault This user is limited, they can only create one type of VM (Debian) and only if there are no others active.
3 [email protected] melaniezetofrais This user has no credit and therefore cannot create a VM.

You can use these credentials to login to the application, and you can modify them or create another one in the SQLite database server/database/astrocloud.db file.

3.5. Using the Application 🖱️

Once logged in, you will be redirected to the dashboard.

You can create a VM by clicking on the "Crée une machine" button.

After creating a VM, the VM will be added to the VM list and will be deleted after 10 minutes.

to connect to the vm use this user: AstroCloudAdmin and this password: AstroCloud%SDV//.

4. Application Structure 🗂️

The application is composed of the following files and folders:

4.1. Frontend (/client folder) 🎨

4.1.1 src folder 📂

  • src/app: The main folder with all pages of this application.
  • src/components: All React components used in this application.
  • src/index.js: The React starting code.

4.1.2 public folder 📂

  • public/icon.png: The icon of the application.
  • public/images: Folder with other images used in this application.

4.2. Backend (/server folder) 🔐

  • index.js: The main file of the backend (Node.js starting code).
  • azure.js: Contains the code related to VM creation.
  • tools/token.js: Contains the code to generate tokens for authentication.
  • src/database/astrocloud.db: Contains all the users and machines of the application (SQLite database).

4.3. DataBase (exemple data) 🔐

  • table users :
id name credit email password
1 1 JohnDoe 100 [email protected] johndoethebest
  • table machine :
id name uptime active created_at id_user
1 1 10 (minute) true 15/07/2023T18:52:00 1


Web site to generate and use virtual machine from Azure






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