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VGU Project Group: Berlin


How to deploy the backend (Hyperledger Fabric)

This guides assume that you are running it in a Unix-like environment such as WSL, MacOS, Linux, etc

Inside the folder ./network/ there exist a bash script called manager.

Install manager script to your machine

cd ./network/

If you are not a root user (in WSL you are root by default) then manager script will ask for your root password and you need to run the script again by typing ./manager

After this step manager script is installed inside /usr/bin/ as a soft symbolic link
you can type manager anywhere inside VGU_Project_Berlin and it would work no need to go inside network folder

Bringing up the network

manager up

Deploy the chaincode on mychannel channel

Each channel requires two chaincodes in order to operate: basic and token_erc20

install basic chaincode:

manager d -t public -c mychannel


manager d

then install token chaincode

manager d -t token -c mychannel


manager d -t token

By default the chaincode type will be public (basic chaincode) and the channel it deploys to is mychannel

If you encounter network error try switching to using mobile data services such as 3/4G

If the script encounter a network error press Ctrl+C to cancel execution immediately.

Then retry to install the chaincode by running:

manager u -t public -c mychannel


manager u

then install token chaincode

manager u -t token -c mychannel


manager u -t token

Check if the chaincode is installed on mychannel

manager c -c mychannel


manager c

If successful the terminal will show something like this:
Committed chaincode definitions on channel 'mychannel':
Name: basic, Version: 3, Sequence: 1, Endorsement Plugin: escc, Validation Plugin: vscc
Name: token_erc20, Version: 1, Sequence: 1, Endorsement Plugin: escc, Validation Plugin: vscc

Deploy the chaincode on business channel

manager d -t public -c business

if fail

manager u -t public -c business

install token chaincode

manager d -t token -c business

if fail

manager u -t token -c business

check if installed

manager c -c business

if success:

Committed chaincode definitions on channel 'business':
Name: basic, Version: 1.0, Sequence: 1, Endorsement Plugin: escc, Validation Plugin: vscc
Name: token_erc20, Version: 1.0, Sequence: 1, Endorsement Plugin: escc, Validation Plugin: vscc