The Survey Application is a web-based application developed using ASP.NET Core 8 and C# 12 that allows users to create and answer surveys. It follows the repository and unit of work patterns and implements a clean architecture structure with the following components:
- Core: It encapsulates the core functionality and business logic of the application.
- Domain: It represents the domain model and defines the contracts for interacting with repositories.
- Infrastructure: The Infrastructure folder contains components related to data access and infrastructure concerns.
- Web.Api: ASP.NET Core Web API project.
- Web.UI: ASP.NET Core MVC project.
The Survey Application utilizes the following technologies and libraries:
- ASP.NET Core 8
- C# 12
- Entity Framework Core (EF Core)
- Microsoft SQL Server
- ASP.NET Identity
- AutoMapper
- Swagger
- SweetAlert2
- DataTables
- Google Charts
- Material Design for Bootstrap
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- FontAwesome
- Account Creation: Users can create an account through the API.
- Survey Creation: Users can create surveys via the API, which generates a URL for answering the survey.
- Survey Management: Optional functionality to retrieve, update, and delete surveys through the API.
- Survey Answering: Users can answer surveys in the MVC project without authentication, allowing multiple submissions for anonymity.
- Dashboard and Survey Statistics: Authenticated users can access the MVC project's dashboard to view survey statistics.
To run the Survey Application locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository.
- Install .NET 8 and C# 12.
- Set up the required dependencies, including EF Core, MsSql, and other libraries.
- Build and run the API and MVC projects.
Feedback and contributions are welcome! If you have any questions, suggestions, or bug reports, please reach out to me. Contributions to enhance the application are highly appreciated.
The Survey Application is open-source and released under the MIT License.