Decentralized, Global-Scale Media Server written in Rust (WebRTC/Whip/Whep/Rtmp/Sip)
"rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
Simple RTSP Video Server Implementation in Rust
NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
car-push-android 是car-eye开源团队开发的一个android下运行的音视频推送库,推送效率高,支持RTSP和RTMP两个版本,支持多路视频直播和历史记录推送,尤其适合安防,移动监控,教育,医疗等行业
library and sample to access to UVC web camera on non-rooted Android device
Transcode & Play RTSP Video Streams in Browser
Simple RTSP (streaming image) server for the ESP32CAM. Easy configuration and monitoring through the web interface.
GStreamer 1.0 example "tutorial 5" for Android Studio with Gradle
Streams video from main camera to a given IP address.
2022年最新苹果美区账号 APPLE ID 免费账号共享;已购买Shadowrocket小火箭 最新版在线安装
Development continues over at
Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
H264Stream viewer, support H264/H265, based on the project:
Use ffmpeg to push stream to server, support file and many protocols like rtsp/rtmp/tcp/udp etc.
VS2015 webrtc bulid solution, now open source for everyone.