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A tool for extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps

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WikiExtractor is a Python script that extracts and cleans text from a Wikipedia database dump.

The tool is written in Python and requires Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+ but no additional library. Python 2 may not work properly any longer, testing may be needed.

For further information, see the project Home Page or the Wiki.

Wikipedia Cirrus Extractor is a version of the script that performs extraction from a Wikipedia Cirrus dump. Cirrus dumps contain text with already expanded templates. The Cirrus extractor does not suffer fron somewhat inadequate template expansion. Until WikiExtractors template expansion has been fixed this may be used instead. Although some templates, such as the one for stub articles, is not useful expanded.

json output: python3 -o wiki/test wiki/wiki-20191104-cirrussearch-content.json.gz
text output: python3 -o wiki/test -t wiki/wiki-20191104-cirrussearch-content.json.gz

Text output is without titles, etc. It contains only the article texts separated with empty lines.

Some additional switches are:
--raw : basically no cleaning.
--sentences : basic sentence based cleaning, based on dot and space, producing at least two sentences ending with a dot - but can be tricked by dots in names, etc.

If you want, or do not want, every article in a separate file
Change line 53 accordingly. Note that if you want something else than ./A/ABC/abc... as directory structure you need to change in the code. I have commented where (lines 123-127). Please, also look at line 281 for file name variations.
Example: python3 -o wiki/test -t --sentences wiki/wiki-20191216-cirrussearch-content.json.gz

Cirrus dumps are available at: cirrussearch.


WikiExtractor performs template expansion by preprocessing the whole dump and extracting template definitions.

In order to speed up processing:

  • multiprocessing is used for dealing with articles in parallel
  • a cache is kept of parsed templates (only useful for repeated extractions).


Currently no installation. The script may be invoked directly.


The script is invoked with a Wikipedia dump file as an argument. The output is stored in several files of similar size in a given directory. Each file will contains several documents in this document format.

[-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-b n[KMG]] [-c] [--json] [--html]
[-l] [-s] [--headersfooters] [--noLineAfterHeader]
[-no-title] [--squeeze_blank] [--for-bert]
[--remove-special-tokens] [--remove-html-tags]
[--restrict_pages_to RESTRICT_PAGES_TO]
[--max_articles MAX_ARTICLES] [--verbose] [--lists]
[-ns ns1,ns2] [--templates TEMPLATES] [--no-templates]
[-r] [--min_text_length MIN_TEXT_LENGTH]
[--filter_disambig_pages] [-it abbr,b,big]
[-de gallery,timeline,noinclude] [--keep_tables]
[--processes PROCESSES] [-q] [--debug] [-a]
[--log_file LOG_FILE] [-v]
[--filter_category FILTER_CATEGORY]

Examples (tested for "correct" output)

Debug and testing (short and fast): python3 -o wiki/test --templates templat.txt --max_articles 10 --verbose wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
Debug and testing (more info on screen and a log): python3 -o wiki/test --templates templat.txt --max_articles 10 --verbose --debug --log_file log.txt wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml

JSON (most extracted information): python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --templates templat.txt --titlefree --json --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --templates templat.txt --json --for-bert --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml

Text only with "extra cleaning" (change --min_text_length to suit your use cases): python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --no_templates --remove-html-tags --remove-special-tokens --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml

Other combinations: python3 -o wiki/test --headersfooters --titlefree --squeeze-blank wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --titlefree --squeeze-blank wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --noLineAfterHeader --squeeze-blank wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --for-bert wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --no_templates --for-bert --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --templates templat.txt --titlefree --json --for-bert --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml
python3 -o wiki/test --filter_disambig_pages --templates templat.txt --squeeze-blank --titlefree --max_articles 10 --remove-html-tags --min_text_length 100 wiki/wiki-20191101-pages-articles.xml

Postprocessing After running the extractor there may be a need for cleaning the output. In linux you may use any of the following examples. Please copy all the files to a safe place first. ANY ERROR IN THE CODE WILL DESTROY YOUR TEXT. You can be sure your text will be destroyed many times before you find the right cleaning scripts.
left trim on one file: sed -i 's/^[ ]//g' YOURTEXT
right trim on one file: sed -i 's/[ ]
If you want to work many files at a time use (do NOT have any othe files in the folder or subfolders):
left trim on all files in folder or subfolder: find wiki/* -type f -exec sed -i 's/^[ ]//g' {} ;
right trim on all files in folder or subfolder: find wiki/
-type f -exec sed -i 's/[ ]$//g' {} ;
remove a line that starts with < and ends with > on all files in folder or subfolder: find wiki/
-type f -exec sed -E -i '/^<[^<]>$/d' {} ;
remove a line that starts with ( and ends with ) on all files in folder or subfolder: find wiki/
-type f -exec sed -E -i '/^[(][^(]*[)]$/d' {} ;
Search Internet for variations and how to use with other operating systems. One variation would be to remove option "-i" and write changes to new files, instead of -i[nline] - although not very useful if you do more than one cleaning operation.

For those use cases where only on large file is needed, in linux use: cat --squeeze-blank wiki/*/* > wiki/wiki.txt

Wikipedia Extractor:
Extracts and cleans text from a Wikipedia database dump and stores output in a
number of files of similar size in a given directory.
Each file will contain several documents in the format:

    <doc id="" revid="" url="" title="">

If the program is invoked with the --json flag, then each file will
contain several documents formatted as json ojects, one per line, with
the following structure

    {"id": "", "revid": "", "url":"", "title": "", "text": "..."}

Template expansion requires preprocessing first the whole dump and
collecting template definitions.

positional arguments:
  input                 XML wiki dump file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use (default 1)

  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        directory for extracted files (or '-' for dumping to
  -b n[KMG], --bytes n[KMG]
                        maximum bytes per output file (default 1M)
  -c, --compress        compress output files using bzip
  --json                write output in json format instead of the default one

  --html                produce HTML output, subsumes --links
  -l, --links           preserve links
  -s, --sections        preserve sections
  --lists               preserve lists
  -ns ns1,ns2, --namespaces ns1,ns2
                        accepted namespaces in links
  --templates TEMPLATES
                        use or create file containing templates
  --no-templates        Do not expand templates
  -r, --revision        Include the document revision id (default=False)
  --min_text_length MIN_TEXT_LENGTH
                        Minimum expanded text length required to write
                        document (default=0)
  --filter_category path_of_categories_file
                        Include or exclude specific categories from the dataset. Specify the categories in
                        file 'path_of_categories_file'. Format:
                        One category one line, and if the line starts with:
                            1) #: Comments, ignored;
                            2) ^: the categories will be in excluding-categories
                            3) others: the categories will be in including-categories.
                            1) If excluding-categories is not empty, and any category of a page exists in excluding-categories, the page will be excluded; else
                            2) If including-categories is not empty, and no category of a page exists in including-categories, the page will be excluded; else
                            3) the page will be included

                        Remove pages from output that contain disabmiguation
                        markup (default=False)
  -it abbr,b,big, --ignored_tags abbr,b,big
                        comma separated list of tags that will be dropped,
                        keeping their content
  -de gallery,timeline,noinclude, --discard_elements gallery,timeline,noinclude
                        comma separated list of elements that will be removed
                        from the article text
  --keep_tables         Preserve tables in the output article text
  --headersfooters      Adds header and footer to each article
  --noLineAfterHeader   Does not add line below title. Title is directly on article.
  --titlefree           No titles on articles
  --squeeze-blank       Minimize empty lines, that is, only empty lines are before/after title.

  -q, --quiet           suppress reporting progress info
  --debug               print debug info
  -a, --article         analyze a file containing a single article (debug
  -v, --version         print program version
  --log_file            specify a file to save the log information.

Saving templates to a file will speed up performing extraction the next time, assuming template definitions have not changed.

Option --no-templates significantly speeds up the extractor, avoiding the cost of expanding MediaWiki templates.

For further information, visit the documentation.


A tool for extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps






No releases published




  • Python 99.5%
  • Shell 0.5%