This is unlock Class for the PHP Telegram Bot Libary to lock an unlock the Bot in Private and Group Channels
Install this package through [Composer][composer].
Edit your project's composer.json
file to require hitmare/unlockptb
Edit composer.json file and add hitmare/unlockptb
under require
"name": "yourproject/yourproject",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5",
"longman/telegram-bot": "*",
"hitmare/unlockptb": "*"
and run composer update
run this command in your command line:
composer require hitmare/unlockptb
Then you have to import the
file into your existend Telegram Database -
Add the following into the
is located
$unlockptb = array('private','group','supergroup');
$telegram->setCommandConfig('lockstatus', ['lockChat' => $unlockptb]);
$telegram->setCommandConfig('lock', ['lockChat' => $unlockptb]);
$telegram->setCommandConfig('unlock', ['lockChat' => $unlockptb]);
You also have to add for every Command what you want to lock a CommandConfig line in the hook.php
$telegram->setCommandConfig('lockedcommand', ['lockChat' => $unlockptb]);
To use the Libary you have to add the Code for checking the Lockstatus in every Command File where you want to include the Lock function. At the Moment it is, as far as i know, the only way to implement this without editing the Main Code of the Bot
- Add the required Namespace
use Hitmare\UnlockPTB\Unlock;
- Add the Lockstatus Check as first inside the
$message = $this->getMessage();
$chat_id = $message->getChat()->getId();
$isUnlocked = Unlock::isUnlocked($chat_id);
$lockChat = $this->getConfig('lockChat');
$thisChat = $message->getChat()->getType();
//Check if the lock applys to this Chat Type
if (in_array($thisChat,$lockChat)) {
//Check if Command is unlocked
if (!$isUnlocked) {
$data = ['chat_id' => $chat_id, 'text' => 'This Command is locked inside this Chat'];
return Request::sendMessage($data);
// Your Code down here
To define in wich Type of Chat the Lock should applys, just add or delete the Chat type in the hoop.php
$unlockptb = array('private','group','supergroup');
The Lock applys to every Chat that matches the type of the Array above.
- Generate the Authkey
To generate the Authkey there are two ways:
Get the wanted Chat or User ID through the /chats *
Command and execute /getAutchkey <id>
directly to the Bot
(Only for Group Chats) Execute /getAutchkey
inside of the Group Chat and the Bot will send the Botadmin who send the Command the Authkey
- Unlock the Bot
For Private Chat:
- Execute
/unlock <Authkey>
and the Bot will be unlocked. For Group Chats: - Execute
/unlock <Authkey>
as an Bot Admin or as an Channel Owner and the Bot will be unlocked.
- Execute
To Lock the Bot execute /lock
. In Group Chats only the Bot Admin and the Group Chat Owner can use it
To Show the Lockstatus execute /lockstatus
. In Group Chats only the Bot Admin and the Group Chat Owner can use it
This Library includes four (4) Commands
- Generates the Unlock Authkey. Can only be used from Bot Admin/unlock
- Unlocks the Bot. In Group Chats only the Bot Admin and the Group Chat Owner can use it/lock
- Locks the Bot. In Group Chats only the Bot Admin and the Group Chat Owner can use it/lockstatus
- Shows the Lockstatus of the Bot. In Group Chats only the Bot Admin and the Group Chat Owner can use it
You can copy all four Commands into your custom Command folder or add the following path to your custom Command array inside of your hook.php
to stay up to date with your Commandfiles
$commands_path = [
__DIR__ . '/Commands/',
__DIR__ . '/vendor/hitmare/unlockptb/Commands/',