A Web3.0 survey platform powered by Polygon ID, creating decentralized economy & highest level of privacy.
Survey has been one of the most general way to investigate people's opinions and behaviours. However, since it was difficult to create sample large and good enough for research, this area has been mostly conducted by major corporates by using cosumers using their services. However the data they provided was used in their business to create massive revenue, however the original owner of the data cannot make most of it.
30FY is decentralized survey platform, which aggreagates people's opinion while keeping data sovereign of users. The platform does not request for private data of the users nor does not keep it. Users have full control of their own data, thanks to Polygon ID and decentralized web technology. Since it promises revenue with the smart contract 30FY is going to operate as the next platform for the survey.
Polygon ID is a solution to build trusted and secure relationships between users and dApps, following the principles of self sovereign identity and privacy by default. By implementing verification process via Polygon ID, users can participates without handing their private information while organization can also obtain proven data by ZK verified data. Polygon ID will provide highest security while making best of Web3 experience.
The next major update will be implementing data marketplace, providing 30FY with new oppotunities for both ends. Data marketplace is the place where uploader can making most of their data by selling onto marketplace. Not only it would provide another option for the uploaders, but also it gives oppotunities for data engineers to obtain high quality data, proven by blockchain technology. Also small share of revenue will be returned to people who provided data, creating a new economy revolving around survey data.
Front End : next.js , react, javascript
Back End : NoSQL, ERD
Blockchain : Solidity, Hardhat, Polygon ID, web3.js
Design : Figma, Powerpoint
Polygon ID Wallet - generates proof on Mobile
Participate on survey (Get Reward)
rewardPool : 0x0034388e5819a8431c87ca641286c852f65b499c
IDVerifier : 0xeA7eb6e6aa48688E9B42abcb76e94067AC569EA7
- npm install
- npm run dev
title | url |
Next.js docs |
https://nextjs.org/docs |
Material UI docs |
https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/overview/ |
title | url |
Conventional Commits |
https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary |
Git Flow |
https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ |
Git으로 협업하는 방법 |
https://gmlwjd9405.github.io/2018/05/12/how-to-collaborate-on-GitHub-3.html |