This repository provides the latest C++ implementation of the branch-and-cut framework and the valid inequalities that we used to write "Asymmetric multi-depot vehicle routing problems: valid inequalities and a branch-and-cut algorithm". The exact version as used while writing the manuscript can be found as an online supplement to the publication, see:
If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions, please do not hesistate to contact us via [email protected] and [email protected]. If you found our code useful, then you can cite the work as follows:
Uit het Broek, Michiel A. J., Albert H. Schrotenboer, Bolor Jargalsaikhan, Kees Jan Roodbergen, and Leandro C. Coelho (2020). Asymmetric multi-depot routing problems: valid inequalities and a branch-and-cut algorithm. Operations Research.
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