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Catch Framework


A containerized setup for Catch, ELK and Kolide Fleet server, for automated HITRUST security audits against servers/containers and MacOS workstations.


Generate Certificates

Kolide Fleet server needs to be configured to use TLS certificates for communication with Osquery agents. These certificates should be generated and placed within the kolide/certs directory.

  1. openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096
  2. openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
  3. openssl x509 -req -days 366 -in /tmp/server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.cert The server.cert certificate will automatically be appended to the Kolide containers's /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt trusted certificate list during its startup.

Configure Environment Variables

A number of environment variables need to be set prior to executing

  1. export ELK_VERSION=7.6.2
  2. export MYSQL_PASS=mysqlpass
  3. export REDIS_PASS=redispass
  4. export JWT_KEY=jwtkey
  5. export ELASTIC_PASS=elasticpass
  6. export JIRA_URL=https://jira.local
  7. export JIRA_USER=jirauser
  8. export JIRA_PASSWORD=jirapass

Run Startup Script

chmod +x && ./

Configure Kolide

Kolide needs to be configured after it's container has been launched. Access the Kolide server via https://kolideserver:8080/ and follow the setup instructions.

Add Osquery Query Packs

No query packs are installed by default on Kolide. To add query packs to Kolide you'll need to download the fleetctl binary from to your workstation.

Add the generated server.cert to your trusted certificate keystore otherwise fleetctl will produce TLS errors while trying to communicate with Kolide. Copy the Osquery query pack to the same folder as fleetctl and then run the following:

  1. fleetctl config set --address https://kolideserver:8080
  2. fleetctl login
  3. mkdir ~/querypacks
  4. cp elk-kolide-osquery/catch/osquery_packs/servers/hitrust-ubuntu-containers-pack.conf ~/querypacks
  5. fleetctl convert -f ~/querypacks/hitrust-ubuntu-containers-pack.conf > ~/querypacks/hitrust-ubuntu-containers-pack.yaml
  6. fleetctl apply -f ~/querypacks/hitrust-ubuntu-containers-pack.yaml

Verify that you can see the installed query pack on the Kolide web interface under the packs section. Then select the uploaded pack in Kolide and choose "edit pack". Edit the target hosts you'd like the query pack to be applied to and save. This will push the query pack down to the selected target hosts' osquery agents and configure them to be used.

Running a Security Audit

Currently, Catch is configured to do HITRUST security audits for servers/containers and MacOS workstations. However, the configuration files have been designed in a versatile way that new query packs can be created for just about any audting standard that can be measured on hosts via osquery. Catch will load all server configurations in the catch/osquery_packs/servers/ path and workstations configurations in the catch/osquery_packs/workstations/ path.

Servers/Containers Audit


MacOS Workstations Audit


Promethius Metrics

A Prometheius metrics endpoint has been included at http:https://catch.local:9090/metrics

Generating Jira Tickets

An audit can automatically generate Jira ticket for each failed HITRUST control reference for each host, by appending &jira=1 to the audit URL. Ensure that the Jira environmental variables have been set for authentication to the Jira server to use this functionality. For example: http:https://catch.local:9090/audit?filter=servers&jira=1