Code for learning SLAMBOOK
The repository includes the original & some of the HW answers written by myself. If you have any questions about using the codes, feel free to send the emails: haotiz at uw dot edu. I'd be so happy to discuss with you.
Please cite: Xiang Gao, Tao Zhang, Yi Liu, Qinrui Yan, 14 Lectures on Visual SLAM: From Theory to Practice, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2017.
In LaTeX:
@Book{Gao2017SLAM, title={14 Lectures on Visual SLAM: From Theory to Practice}, publisher = {Publishing House of Electronics Industry}, year = {2017}, author = {Xiang Gao and Tao Zhang and Yi Liu and Qinrui Yan}, }
- ch1 Preface
- ch2 Overview of SLAM & linux, cmake
- ch3 Rigid body motion & Eigen
- ch4 Lie group and Lie Algebra & Sophus
- ch5 Cameras and Images & OpenCV
- ch6 Non-linear optimization & Ceres, g2o
- ch7 Feature based Visual Odometry
- ch8 Direct (Intensity based) Visual Odometry
- ch9 Project
- ch10 Back end optimization & Ceres, g2o
- ch11 Pose graph and Factor graph & g2o, gtsam
- ch12 Loop closure & DBoW3
- ch13 Dense reconstruction & REMODE, Octomap