This is a StarCraft 2 example bot coded using python-sc2 that has the ability to integrate with the LadderManager so that it can run against other bots on the SC2 AI Ladder.
This bot can be run either locally against a computer opponent, or through the LadderManager. The file "" is used for both variants, which loads ExampleBot from, and starts the appropriate game type.
You can modify to load your own bot or change the computer opponent.
If you want to run LadderManager yourself to test the bot against other ladder bots, you must first download and compile LadderManager. Then, within the LadderManager directory, extract the files from this repo into Bots/python-sc2-ladderbot/ and add the following to Bots/LadderBots.json:
"MyBot": {
"Race": "Random",
"Type": "Python",
"RootPath": "C:/Ladder/Bots/python-sc2-ladderbot/",
"FileName": ""
Modify RootPath if you placed LadderManager in another directory than C:/Ladder/. You should now be able to configure LadderManager to start a game with "MyBot" as one of the opponents (by modifying the "matchupList" file).
See python-sc2 for more example bots and documentation.