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Simple Proxy Server


This is a very simple proxy server to get around CORS issues when an API does not provide JSONP.

How to use.

This is live at

The set up is very simple, when you make a request with $.ajax you might right it like this.

	url: 'http:',
	dataType: 'json',
	data: {
		key: apiKey,
		param1: value,
		param2: value
}).then(function(res) {

However because of CORS you might not be able to access the API this way. If the API does not offer JSONP you can use this proxy to bypass the CORS issue. To use this proxy you have to change you request to look like this.

	url: 'http:',
	dataType: 'json',
	data: {
		reqUrl: 'http:',
		params: {
			key: apiKey,
			param1: value,
			param2: value
		proxyHeaders: {
			'Some-Header': 'goes here'
		xmlToJSON: false,
		useCache: false
}).then(function(res) {
	/* ... */

Using the Fetch API

You can use the Fetch API for making requests too

const proxiedUrl = 'http:';

const url = new URL('http:'); = new URLSearchParams({
  reqUrl: proxiedUrl,
  'params[key]': apiKey,
  'params[param1]': value,
  'params[param2]': value,
  'proxyHeaders[Some-Header]': 'goes here',

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    /* ... */

Note the need to use square bracket query parameter notation [] for the params and proxyHeaders proxy param options!

Options to pass

You pass your information via the data object, in there there are a bunch of options you need to pass.

param type description
reqUrl string The URL for your endpoint.
params object / params[key] The options that you would normally pass to the data object
proxyHeaders object / proxyHeaders[header] Headers to pass to the API
xmlToJSON boolean Defaults to false, change to true if API returns XML
useCache boolean Defaults to false, change to store your response from an API for 1 hour.