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is a React boilerplate for admin applications, it is based on React and uses the UI library UUI. The purpose of developing and open source this template project: On the one hand, you can look through the code of this template project to understand how to use UUI correctly; on the other hand, you can manually fork a copy of this project or directly use the Use this Template
button to quickly create a startup project.
This is a admin template boilerplate project and will not be released to NPM as a general library, so when you decide to use it and commit it to your business project as a code base, in theory, subsequent updates of uui-admin-template will require you manually migrate to your own project. This project is not a fool-proof one. It requires a certain front-end development knowledge and ability. We strongly recommend that you are familiar with every line of code in this project and read all the documents.
git clone https://github.com/HackPlan/uui-admin-template.git
cd uui-admin-template
yarn start
This will automatically open https://localhost:3000
yarn build
All files on the UUI GitHub repository are subject to the MIT license. Please read the License file at the root of the project.