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MicroPython for ESP32 with psRAM support
Logimancer / Cardputer-doom
Forked from espressif/esp32-doomA proof-of-concept port of PrBoom to the M5Stack Cardputer.
M5Stack Cardputer firmware written in Arduino (PENDING) with a menu, full built-in hardware support and support for Arduino bins "Apps" to be ran from SD card
Rust firmware hal and examples for M5Stack Cardputer
This is just a collection of very basic demos for the M5Stack Cardputer (M5Stamp-S3) which were written in MicroPython.
MicroHydra is a simple, 'OS-like', MicroPython based app switcher designed for ESP32 based devices.
Evil-M5Project is an innovative tool developed for ethical testing and exploration of WiFi networks. It's compatible with Cardputer, Atoms3, Fire, core2. You can scan, monitor, and interact with Wi…
Simple Application Launcher for M5Cardputer
For those times when your Pwnagotchi feels lonely
M5Cardputer Audio Spectrum Display, Oscilloscope, and Tuner Portado por Aurélio Monteiro Avanzi
App launcher for M5StickC, M5StickC Plus, M5StickC Plus 2 and M5Cardputer
M5Cardputer user demo for hardware evaluation.
Crunchyroll.bundle is a Plex Media Server plugin that provides access to the content available at