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Strain-GeMS: identifying strains within metagenomic species

Strain-GeMS aims to profile the strains within a species using short read metagenomes. It deploys SNP patterns based on statistically sound SNP calling and optimzied SNP clustering to recover strain genotypes within a species using a set of genes.


You can download the zip archive of it from :



  • Python-2.7 or above
  • Python libraries:




NetworkX 1.11

  • Third party pipelines:

Bowtie2 2.2.1+

Metaphlan2 2.1+

multigems 1.0+

samtools 0.1.19

Note: older versions of these dependencies might work but it's not guaranteed.


The basic Strain-GeMS analysis runs as below: [options] -c/--conf <config.file> -o/--outdir <output directory>

The format config file follows:

sample: [sample1_ID]
fq1: [forward reads fastq]
fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]
sample: [sample2_ID]
fq1: [forward reads fastq]
fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]

Or, if only one fastq file per sample, the config file should look like this:

sample: [sample1_ID]
fq: [sample reads fastq]
sample: [sample2_ID]
fq: [sample reads fastq]

Below is a detailed usage of


-h, --help            show this help message and exit

Compulsory parameters:

There options are compulsory, and may be supplied in any order.

-o DIR, --outdir=DIR
                    The output directory of Strain-GeMS.
-c FILE, --config=FILE
                    The configuration file of the Strain-GeMS project.

Optional parameters:

-t INT, --num_proc=INT
                    Number of processor for Strain-GeMS to use [default: 1].

Interpret output

In the project/output directory, you will find a folder called "results", in which you can find the below files and directories:

Intra_sp_rel_ab.profiles     # this is a tabular file with strain relative abundance within species. See header for details.
Overall_rel_ab.profiles      # this is a tabular file with strain relative abundance in overall samples. See header for details.
uniGcode                     # this is the directory for all ".uniGcode" files, which are genotypes for strains.

The formats for "Intra_sp_rel_ab.profiles" and "Overall_rel_ab.profiles" are similar. An example is as below:

# Species	strain_ID	masked_samples	sample_1   sample_2
Escherichia_coli	str-1	NA	53.252835   37.212245
Escherichia_coli	str-2	NA	46.747165   62.787755
Salmonella_typhi    str-1   1   15.492194   41.212442
Salmonella_typhi    str-2   1   38.313441   21.483291
Salmonella_typhi    str-3   1   46.194365   37.304267

This means there are two species that passed the minimum coverage requirement for strain inference, and the relative abundance of each strain (E.coli has 2 strains and S.typhi has 3) are listed in sample_1 and sample_2 columns.

Strain-GeMS tries to infer strain compositions in samples with lower coverage, but these results might not be reliable. We offer a column called "masked_samples" to label such samples; the index (1-offset) of samples are comma-delimited.

Generation of test data

Test data are generated using GemSIM_v1.6(Mcelroy, et al., 2012) by the command:

  -R Only for metagenome projects. Directory containing references.
  -a Only for metagenome projects. Species-abundance file.
  -n number of reads to produce. For paired end reads, number of pairs.
  -l length of reads. Integer value, or -l d for empirical distribution.
  -m error model file *_single.gzip or *_paired.gzip.
  -c use this flag if you wish to draw reads from a circular genome.
  -q quality score offset. Usually 33 or 64 (see manual).
  -o output file name prefix.
  -u Mean fragment length for paired end reads. -u d for empirical.
  -s standard deviation for fragment length. Use only with -u and -p.
  -p use only to create paired end reads.

e.g. Generation of the sample DS11x4 in Supplementary Table 1:  -R ./ref/ -a abundance.txt  -n 5000000 -l d -p -u d -m ~/tools/GemSIM_v1.6/models/ill100v5_p.gzip -c -q 33 -o meta_DS11x4

Coverage information of the test data are given by MetaPhlAn2.

Link to test data

The test data are uploaded to the NCBI website:

JSD Calculating

Jensen-Shannon Divergenc was Calculated using following python script,

method: JSD_core(q,p) input: q=[q1,q2,q3,...] p=[p1,p2,p3,...] output: JS divergence between set p and set q

from math import log

from numpy import array

class JSD:

def KLD(self,p,q):
    i = 0
    while i < len(q):
        if q[i] == 0 :
            i = i+1
    return sum(_p * log(_p/_q,2) for (_p,_q) in zip(p,q) if _p!=0)

def JSD_core(self,p,q):
    M = [0.5*(_p+_q) for _p,_q in zip(p,q)]
    return 0.5*self.KLD(p,M)+0.5*self.KLD(q,M)

e.g. Calculting the JSD distance between the predicted relative abandance of strains by Strain-GeMS and the real abandance in the 10-genomes in silico community



jsd = JSD()

print jsd.JSD_core(R,S)


Truong D T, Franzosa E A, Tickle T L, et al. MetaPhlAn2 for enhanced metagenomic taxonomic profiling[J]. Nature Methods, 2015, 12(10):902-3.

Luo C, Knight R, Siljander H, et al. ConStrains identifies microbial strains in metagenomic datasets[J]. Nature Biotechnology, 2015, 33(10):1045-1052.

Mcelroy K E, Luciani F, Thomas T. GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data.[J]. BMC Genomics, 2012, 13(1):74.


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