常用网站签到本地/云函数/青龙脚本( 刺猬猫小说|Acfun| 时光相册|书香门第论坛|绅士领域|好游快爆|埋堆堆|多看阅读|闪艺app|香网小说|晋江|橙光|什么值得买|网易蜗牛读书|网易云游戏平台|龙空论坛|NGA论坛|csdn|mt论坛|sf轻小说|猫耳FM|联想智选app|联想智选联想延保|联动云租车|数码之家|玩物志好物商店|togamemod|好书友论坛|鱼C论坛|帆软社区|…
Py script that uses acidanthera's macserial to generate SMBIOS and optionally saves them to a plist.
Official read only mirror of the smartmontools project SVN
An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
Program for IP TV streaming on the network via HTTP
This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
Version 1.2. This is the source code to STUNTMAN - an open source STUN server and client code by john selbie. Compliant with the latest RFCs including 5389, 5769, and 5780. Also includes backwards …
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
安服自动化脚本:包括 Nessus、天境主机漏洞扫描6.0、APPscan、awvs等漏洞报告的整理,Google翻译等
This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
nftables fullcone expression kernel module for OpenWrt