Welcome to the Moonlight OS Rust Development Setup! This repository provides you with instructions to set up a development environment for Moonlight OS, an operating system built using the Rust programming language. By following the steps below, you'll be ready to contribute to and experiment with Moonlight OS, as it takes shape in its early development stages.
These instructions will help you quickly set up your Moonlight OS development environment. Before you begin, ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. If not, you can install them using the official Rustup tool by following the instructions at https://rustup.rs/.
- Rustup: https://rustup.rs/
Open a terminal window.
Install the nightly Rust toolchain by entering the following command:
rustup toolchain install nightly
Set the nightly toolchain as the default for Moonlight OS development:
rustup override set nightly
Add the necessary LLVM tools to your Rust installation:
rustup component add llvm-tools
This section guides you through the process of building and running Moonlight OS using the nightly Rust toolchain.
Install the bootimage tool, which is required to create a bootable disk image for Moonlight OS:
cargo install bootimage
Build and run MoonlightOS using the following command;
cargo run
We welcome contributions to the Moonlight OS project! If you encounter any issues, have ideas for improvements, or want to contribute to the development of Moonlight OS, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request on the official repository.