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πŸš€ Easy to use, no need to set size, support rotation, photoswipe based vue swipe plugin


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a Vue plugin for PhotoSwipe without set image size

online example

Edit Vue Template


npm install vue-pswipe


// main.js
import Photoswipe from 'vue-pswipe'

Vue.use(Photoswipe, options)

see complete options

you can set v-pswp directive in element to mark as clickable



Property Type Description Default
options object original PhotoSwipe options, see complete options -
auto boolean automatically collect all img tags without the need for the v-pswp directive false
bubble boolean allow click event bubbling false
lazy boolean lazy loading image, you can set to false to preload all image true
rotate boolean add a rotate action button to the top bar, allow user to rotate the current image false


v-pswp: object|string

use for mark current element as gallery item, accept image src or options object

Directive Options:

interface PswpDirectiveOptions {
     * path to image
    src: string
     * image size, 'width x height', eg: '100x100'
    size?: string
     * small image placeholder,
     * main (large) image loads on top of it,
     * if you skip this parameter - grey rectangle will be displayed,
     * try to define this property only when small image was loaded before
    msrc?: string
     * used by Default PhotoSwipe UI
     * if you skip it, there won't be any caption
    title?: string
     * to make URLs to a single image look like this: http:
     * instead of: http:
     * enable options history: true, galleryPIDs: true and add pid (unique picture identifier) 
    pid?: string | number



emit after click thumbnail, if listen to this event, next function must be called to resolve this hook


  • event:

    • index: current image index
    • target: the target that triggers effective click event
  • next:

    must be called to resolve the hook. next(false) will abort open PhotoSwipe


emit after photoswipe init, you can get current active photoswipe instance by parameter


  • pswp:

    current photoswipe instance

original PhotoSwipe event

support all original PhotoSwipe events, see original event, eg:

<Photoswipe @beforeChange="handleBeforeChange">

WARNING: If you using Photoswipe component in HTML, not in a SFC, use v-on instead, because HTML tag and attributes are case insensitive

<Photoswipe v-on ="{ beforeChange: handleBeforeChange }">

custom html

In addition to using the <Photoswipe> tag, you can also use Vue.prototype.$ to directly open a PhotoSwipe. This is especially useful in the case of Custom HTML Content in Slides.

    <button @click="handleClick">open</button>
export default {
    methods: {
        handleClick() {
                items: [
                        html: '<div>hello vue-pswipe</div>'


type Open = (params: {
    items: PswpItem[],
    options?: PswpOptions
}) => pswp

dynamic import

But cannot use vue.prototype.$

export default {
    components: {
        Photoswipe: () => import('vue-pswipe')
            .then(({ Photoswipe }) => Photoswipe)


npm run dev
