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An R package that implements approximation algorithms for sums of series


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Approximate infinite series with a guaranteed error margin!


Installing this package in R from this GitHub page is straightforward. Make sure you have the package devtool installed and that your Operating System has a C compiler that R can access. This is automatically true in a standard installation in Linux, requires Xcode or gcc (depends on MacOS version) in Mac, and Rtools in Windows. Then, just run:


Interfacing low-level summation with Rcpp

It is possible to define a series at the C level and use a Rcpp wrapper function. For this to be possible, all that is needed is the use of the depends Rcpp attribute and including the adequate header. The following code at the R level exports a function that sums a series.


#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::depends(sumR)]]

#include <sumR.h>

long double some_series(long n, double *p)
  long double out = n * log1pl(-p[0]);
  return out;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sum_series(double param)
  double parameter[1];
  long double r;
  long n; // Number of iterations. Does not require initialization.

  parameter[0] = param;

  r = infiniteSum(some_series, parameter, log1p(-parameter[0]), 0, exp(-35), 100000, 0, &n);
  Rcpp::Rcout << "Summation took " << n << " iterations to converge.\\n";

  return (double)r;


The available functions and their arguments are listed below.

Interfacing low-level summation with another package

Package sumR facilitates using its low-level C or C++ function in other packages. In order to use it, these steps are necessary:

  1. Make sure that the DESCRIPTION file in your package includes sumR in its LinkingTo and Imports fields.
  2. Make sure that the NAMESPACE file in your packages includes a line with import(sumR). If you are using the roxygen2 documentation package, this can be achieved by adding #' @import sumR in one of your R files, such as mypackage-package.R, before running roxygen2::roxygenize().
  3. Include sumR's API header file, sumRAPI.h, in your C or C++ file that will use the desired sumR low-level function.
  4. Use sumR's functions in your code.

The following code exemplifies a C file in a package after steps 1. and 2. above were taken. See Writing R Extensions to learn about the SEXP type and related macros and functions.

#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <Rmath.h> // Required for the log1p and log1pl functions
#include <sumR.h>

long double some_series(long n, double *p)
  long double out = n * log1pl(-p[0]);
  return out;

SEXP sum_series(SEXP param)
  double parameter[1];
  long double r;
  long n; // Number of iterations. Doesn't require initialization.

  parameter[0] = REAL(param)[0];

  r = infiniteSum(some_series, parameter, log1p(-parameter[0]), 0, exp(-35), 100000, 0, &n);
  Rprintf("Summation took %d iterations to converge.\n", n);
  return Rf_ScalarReal((double)r);

Then your package can have an R wrapper function such as:

#' Wrapper function that sums a series for a given parameter
#' @export
sumSeries <- function(p) .Call("sum_series", param = p, PACKAGE = "mypackage")

The this function can be tested after the package has been installed with:


Available sumR functions

The interfaced functions from sumR are:

long double infiniteSum(long double logFun(long k, double *Theta), double *params, double logL, int alternating, double eps, long maxIter, long n0, long* n);
long double infiniteSumToThreshold(long double logFun(long k, double *Theta), double *params, int alternating, double eps, long maxIter, long n0, long* n);
long double infiniteErrorBoundingPairs(long double logFun(long k, double *Theta), double *params, double logL, double eps, long maxIter, long n0, long* n);
long double infiniteBatches(long double logFun(long k, double *Theta), double *params, long batch_size, double eps, long maxIter, long n0, long* n);
long double sumNTimes(long double logFun(long k, double *Theta), double *params, long n, long n0);

Function infiniteSum dispatches the arguments to infiniteSumToThreshold, infiniteErrorBoundingPairs or infiniteBatches depending on the value of logL and returns the result of the respectively chosen function. Namely, it is the first if logL < log(0.5), the second if logL < 0 and the third otherwise.

See the help documentation in the sumR package for information about the interfaced function arguments. sumNTimes is documented under finiteSum.


When making a wrapper function, we have found that manually typecasting the result of the low-level C function to double before passing it to R is more stable in some systems than straight up using Rf_ScalarReal on the long double result.

Since all sumR code is in C, a C++ functor cannot be passed as the logFun argument, not even in a templated wrapper.

None of the C functions do error checking. It is the user's responsibility to pass adequate arguments. Pay particular mind to the C stack limit (the functions create an array of maxIter size).

If defining an R function with cppFunction, be mindful that argument k of logFun is a single long. If multiple values are expected, they should be dealt with in the wrapper.


An R package that implements approximation algorithms for sums of series







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