Guake is a python based dropdown terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment. Guake's style of window is based on an FPS game, and one of its goals is to be easy to reach.
Please refer to Installation Guide
Drop down terminal on pressing <F12>
Do NOT use the Tarball packages automatically generated by GitHub on the Release pages. They won't work because one of the main components of Guake build system, PBR, requires the full Git history to be available when building from source. Note this does not impact source distribution packages you can download from Pypi.
Build from sources instructions are described on this page of the Online Documentation. Please read this carefully before opening an issue!
- Source Code available on GitHub.
- Official Homepage:
- Online Documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs.
- If you are not a developer, you can still contribute to Guake by improving its translations in your language. Guake users are welcome to support Weblate in providing this service for free for OpenSource Projects.
Important note: Do NOT use the domain, it has been registered by someone outside the team. We cannot be held responsible for the content on that web site.
This project was originally created by Gabriel Falcão, see: