ChatGPT for every website.Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content. Alternative to Chatbase, SiteGPT, Dante AI
Ocha Humanitarian Icons, for use in Wagtail projects
A very thin PostGIS-only tile server in Go. Takes in HTTP tile requests, executes SQL, returns MVT tiles.
WIS2 in a box is a reference implementation of a WMO WIS2 Node
Python package to transform WMO BUFR data into GeoJSON
Python package to transform CSV data into the WMO BUFR format
Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features.
Vue.js component for Apache ECharts™.
Vuejs 2 components for interacting with mapbox-gl-js
Vuestic UI is an open-source Vue 3 component library designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Maintained by Epicmax (@epicmaxco).
Backup PostgresSQL to local filesystem with periodic backups and rotate backups.
🚀 Free Astro + Bulma ICO / Crypto template
Python package with functions for assessing land change, drought vulnerability, and urbanization
A library to get a layer depending on provider and layer spec
Generate and download random geojson quickly for testing
Global Forest Watch: An online, global, near-real time forest monitoring tool
An offline capable map viewer with GPS integration
Code examples and snippets of offline-first (and related) tools
A set of geo related modules to use in combination with React, Ant Design and OpenLayers.
A set of helper classes for working with OpenLayers
DHIS 2 application platform layer with inverted app control
A singular runtime dependency for applications on the DHIS2 platform