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Bedrock Claude Chat


🔔Claude3 Opus supported. As of 04/17/2024, Bedrock only supports the us-west-2 region. In this repository, Bedrock uses the us-east-1 region by default. Therefore, if you plan to use it, please change the value of bedrockRegion before deployment. For more details, please refer here.


The current version (v0.4.x) has no compatibility with the previous version (~v0.3.0) due to changes in the DynamoDB table schema. Please note that the UPDATE (i.e. cdk deploy) FROM PREVIOUS VERSION TO v0.4.x WILL DESTROY ALL OF THE EXISTING CONVERSATIONS.

This repository is a sample chatbot using the Anthropic company's LLM Claude, one of the foundational models provided by Amazon Bedrock for generative AI.

Basic Conversation

Not only text but also images are available with Anthropic's Claude 3. Currently we support Haiku, Sonnet and Opus.

Bot Personalization

Add your own instruction and give external knowledge as URL or files (a.k.a RAG). The bot can be shared among application users. The customized bot also can be published as stand-alone API (See the detail).

Administrator dashboard

Analyze usage for each user / bot on administrator dashboard. detail

📚 Supported Languages

  • English 💬
  • 日本語 💬 (ドキュメントはこちら)
  • 한국어 💬
  • 中文 💬
  • Français 💬
  • Deutsch 💬
  • Español 💬
  • Italian 💬

🚀 Super-easy Deployment

  • In the us-east-1 region, open Bedrock Model access > Manage model access > Check Anthropic / Claude 3 Haiku, Anthropic / Claude 3 Sonnet and Cohere / Embed Multilingual then Save changes.

  • Open CloudShell at the region where you want to deploy
  • Run deployment via following commands
git clone
cd bedrock-claude-chat
chmod +x
  • After about 30 minutes, you will get the following output, which you can access from your browser
Frontend URL:

The sign-up screen will appear as shown above, where you can register your email and log in.


This deployment method allows anyone with the URL to sign up. For production use, we strongly recommend adding IP address restrictions or disabling self-signup to mitigate security risks. To set up, Deploy using CDK for IP address restrictions or Disable self sign up.


It's an architecture built on AWS managed services, eliminating the need for infrastructure management. Utilizing Amazon Bedrock, there's no need to communicate with APIs outside of AWS. This enables deploying scalable, reliable, and secure applications.

Features and Roadmap

Basic chat features
  • Authentication (Sign-up, Sign-in)
  • Creation, storage, and deletion of conversations
  • Copying of chatbot replies
  • Automatic subject suggestion for conversations
  • Syntax highlighting for code
  • Rendering of Markdown
  • Streaming Response
  • IP address restriction
  • Edit message & re-send
  • I18n
  • Model switch
Customized bot features
  • Customized bot creation
  • Customized bot sharing
  • Publish as stand-alone API
RAG features
  • Web (html)
  • Text data (txt, csv, markdown and etc)
  • PDF
  • Microsoft office files (pptx, docx, xlsx)
  • Youtube transcript
  • Import from S3 bucket
  • Import external existing Kendra / OpenSearch / KnowledgeBase
Admin features
  • Tracking usage fees per bot
  • List all published bot

Deploy using CDK

Super-easy Deployment uses AWS CodeBuild to perform deployment by CDK internally. This section describes the procedure for deploying directly with CDK.

  • Please have UNIX, Docker and a Node.js runtime environment. If not, you can also use Cloud9


If there is insufficient storage space in the local environment during deployment, CDK bootstrapping may result in an error. If you are running in Cloud9 etc., we recommend expanding the volume size of the instance before deploying.

  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • Install npm packages
cd bedrock-claude-chat
cd cdk
npm ci
npm i -g aws-cdk
  • Before deploying the CDK, you will need to work with Bootstrap once for the region you are deploying to. In this example, we will deploy to the us-east-1 region. Please replace your account id into <account id>.
cdk bootstrap aws:https://<account id>/us-east-1
  • If necessary, edit the following entries in cdk.json if necessary.

    • bedrockRegion: Region where Bedrock is available. NOTE: Bedrock does NOT support all regions for now.
    • allowedIpV4AddressRanges, allowedIpV6AddressRanges: Allowed IP Address range.
  • Deploy this sample project

cdk deploy --require-approval never --all
  • You will get output similar to the following. The URL of the web app will be output in BedrockChatStack.FrontendURL, so please access it from your browser.
 ✅  BedrockChatStack

✨  Deployment time: 78.57s

BedrockChatStack.AuthUserPoolClientIdXXXXX = xxxxxxx
BedrockChatStack.AuthUserPoolIdXXXXXX = ap-northeast-1_XXXX
BedrockChatStack.BackendApiBackendApiUrlXXXXX =
BedrockChatStack.FrontendURL =


Configure Mistral models support

Update enableMistral to true in cdk.json, and run cdk deploy.

  "enableMistral": true,


This project focus on Anthropic Claude models, the Mistral models are limited supported. For example, prompt examples are based on Claude models. This is a Mistral-only option, once you toggled to enable Mistral models, you can only use Mistral models for all the chat features, NOT both Claude and Mistral models.

Configure text generation

Edit and run cdk deploy.

# See:
    "max_tokens": 2000,
    "top_k": 250,
    "top_p": 0.999,
    "temperature": 0.6,
    "stop_sequences": ["Human: ", "Assistant: "],

Remove resources

If using cli and CDK, please cdk destroy. If not, access CloudFormation and then delete BedrockChatStack and FrontendWafStack manually. Please note that FrontendWafStack is in us-east-1 region.

Stopping Vector DB for RAG

By setting cdk.json in the following CRON format, you can stop and restart Aurora Serverless resources created by the VectorStore construct. Applying this setting can reduce operating costs. By default, Aurora Serverless is always running. Note that it will be executed in UTC time.

"rdbSchedules": {
  "stop": {
    "minute": "50",
    "hour": "10",
    "day": "*",
    "month": "*",
    "year": "*"
  "start": {
    "minute": "40",
    "hour": "2",
    "day": "*",
    "month": "*",
    "year": "*"

Language Settings

This asset automatically detects the language using i18next-browser-languageDetector. You can switch languages from the application menu. Alternatively, you can use Query String to set the language as shown below.

Disable self sign up

This sample has self sign up enabled by default. To disable self sign up, open auth.ts and switch selfSignUpEnabled as false, then re-deploy.

const userPool = new UserPool(this, "UserPool", {
  passwordPolicy: {
    requireUppercase: true,
    requireSymbols: true,
    requireDigits: true,
    minLength: 8,
  // Set to false
  selfSignUpEnabled: false,
  signInAliases: {
    username: false,
    email: true,

Restrict Domains for Sign-Up Email Addresses

By default, this sample does not restrict the domains for sign-up email addresses. To allow sign-ups only from specific domains, open cdk.json and specify the domains as a list in allowedSignUpEmailDomains.

"allowedSignUpEmailDomains": [""],

External Identity Provider

This sample supports external identity provider. Currently we support Google and custom OIDC provider.

Local Development



Thank you for considering contributing to this repository! We welcome bug fixes, language translations (i18n), feature enhancements, and other improvements.

For feature enhancements and other improvements, before creating a Pull Request, we would greatly appreciate it if you could create a Feature Request Issue to discuss the implementation approach and details. For bug fixes and language translations (i18n), proceed with creating a Pull Request directly.

Please also take a look at the following guidelines before contributing:

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

See here.



This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


AWS-native chatbot using Bedrock + Claude



Code of conduct





No releases published


No packages published


  • TypeScript 57.0%
  • Python 41.0%
  • JavaScript 1.5%
  • Shell 0.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%
  • HTML 0.1%