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Bring the rlkit, viskit packages from Docker image of REPLAB to implement RL algorithms

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Docker Image

Pull our Docker image for operating a cell directly with:

docker pull bhyang12/replab 

To run the image:

docker run -it --rm --privileged bhyang12/replab 

If operating multiple rigs on one machine, you may need to manually specify which ports/devices the Docker container can access. As an example:

docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/video0 --device=/dev/video1 --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 bhyang12/replab 

To run with GPU and display port access (requires nvidia-docker 2), use:

docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --rm --privileged bhyang12/replab 

Reinforcement Learning on REPLAB

This is the code for training and evaluating RL algorithms on REPLAB cells. This is heavily based off of RLkit, available here:, and a modified Viskit repo, available here:

Directory Structure

Files for Reinforcement Learning on REPLAB are located in two places: /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/ and /root/ros_ws/src/replab_rl/.

/root/ros_ws/src/replab_rl/ contains two folders, gym-replab, a pip package that has the OpenAI Gym Environment for REPLAB and src, which contains a file that allows us to communicate with ROS through Python3. The actual RL scripts are located in /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/, which contains two folders: rlkit and viskit. rlkit contains the base code from the RLkit repository, and modified example scripts for both fixed and randomized reaching tasks. viskit contains code from the Viskit repository.


To train or evaluate a model on a REPLAB cell, you must first run two scripts in the docker container.

In one window, run

sh /root/ros_ws/ to start communicating with the MoveIt commander.

In another, run

rosrun replab_rl to enable the Python3 environment to communicate with the Python2 ROS build.

Training the models

The task is to reach a point in 3d space through controlling the 6 joints of the arm.

There are 4 examples in /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/rlkit/examples, three is designed for a fixed goal ({td3, sac, ddpg}.py) and the other is designed for a randomized goal (

By default, all of these use the GPU. If you aren't running this with a GPU, please change ptu.set_gpu_mode(True) to ptu.set_gpu_mode(False) near the bottom of the example files.

To get started, run

cd /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/rlkit/

source activate rlkit

python examples/[EXAMPLE_FILE].py

For each of these example scripts, the parameters and hyperparameters are easily adjustable by modifying them directly in the file.

For the fixed goal environments, you can modify the fixed goal by directly modifying /root/ros_ws/src/replab_rl/gym_replab/gym_replab/envs/

Visualizing results

RLkit recommends Viskit to visualize the results. To view them, run:

source activate rlkit

python /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/viskit/viskit/ [DATA_DIRECTORY]

Then, in your browser, navigate to the IP address of the docker container and the port listed by viskit.

Note: by default, the data directory containing parameters and stats are saved in /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/rlkit/data/[NAME]/[DATE_TIME]

Evaluating a Policy

The policy is evaluated at every epoch during training (and this data is saved), however you can also manually evaluate a saved policy.

Example scripts for evaluating a policy are in /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/rlkit/scripts. For example, to visualize a policy on the real robot, run:

cd /root/ros_ws/rl_scripts/rlkit

source activate rlkit

python scripts/[POLICY_SCRIPT].py --[args specified in script] [path_to_params.pkl]

Usage viskit

python viskit/ path/to/dir

and connect on http: for visualization about training results


Bring the rlkit, viskit packages from Docker image of REPLAB to implement RL algorithms






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