This is a guide for installing a web chat application that has been developed using react.js, django-rest-framework, and django-signal.
You can install this app by following steps below.
1. Create a virtual environment: `virtualenv venv`
2. Activate the virtual environment:
For Linux: `source venv/bin/activate`
For Windows: `venv\Scripts\activate`
3. Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
4. Migrate to the database: `python migrate`
5. Run the server: `python runserver`
1. Navigate to the 'clients/' directory: `cd clients\`
2. Install dependencies: `npm install`
3. Start the server: `npm start`
You can access the application on 'localhost:3000' or ''. Sign up with your name, email, and profile image, and start chatting from two different browser windows.