๊ฐํ์(Ka Hyeong Soon)
- ๐ฑ๋ฐฐ์๊ฐ๋ ์ค..
- ๐Matlab์ ์ด์ฉํ ๊ณตํ๋ฌธ์ ํ์ด:star2:
- (2023 ~ ) Master Degree students at Aerospace Robotics and Mechatronics Lab, JBNU ๐
- (2017 ~ 2023) B.S of AeroSpace Engineering at Jeonbuk national university-AeroSpaceEngineering ๐
- Data Sci & Control Sys : ๐Matlab, Labview, Simulink
- Language: Python , c
- DeepLearning: Tenserflow(Nvidia๋ฅ๋ฌ๋)๐ฑ
- Web: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript (Learning Now!)๐ฑ
- Working tools: VS Code, Matlab, Colab
- Working OS: Windows
- CFD using DeepLearning (On Working)
- Detection system for Blind(using RADAR,Arduino)
Email : gaory0127, Gmail