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Anime List

Welcome to the anime list repository, this repository was built for learning by building a mobile-first web app with AniList API to get anime lists and anime detail.


  • TypeScript
  • React JS
  • Next JS
  • CSS in JS (emotion)
  • Apollo Client Graph QL


Anime List Page

Anime List

  • As a user, I can see 10 anime on initial page load.
  • For each anime, show info at least the anime title and anime cover/banner.
  • Each anime item are clickable, and will redirect to Anime Detail page when clicked.
  • Anime List page should have pagination functionality.
  • Bug: Page reset to 1 if press back button

Anime Detail Page

Anime Detail Info

  • As a user, I can see anime info on the detail page.
  • Show anime cover/banner.
  • Show anime title.
  • Show other anime details (description, number of episodes, genres, rating, etc). Feel free to add more.

Add to the Collection Feature

  • As a user, I can add the anime to the collection.
  • User can add anime to an existing collection.
  • If user want to add anime to collection but there is no collection yet, user can set collection name as new collection.
  • User can add an Anime to many collection
  • Collection Name must unique
  • Collection Name doesn’t have special Char

Collection List Page

Collection Info Feature

  • As a user, I can see if the anime already added to collection or not.
  • User can see list of collection names where the anime already added.
  • User can click the collection name, and will redirect to Collection Detail page.

Collection List Info Feature

  • As a user, I can see list of collection that already added.
  • Show all collections at once on initial load page.
  • Each collection item should show collection name.
  • Each collection item should show anime cover/banner from the firstly added anime. If no anime added yet, use default image as cover/banner.
  • User can click the collection item, and will redirect to Collection Detail page.
  • The collections in this list should be persist even after a full page reload.

Remove Collection Feature

  • As a user, I can remove collection from Collection List page.
  • Show “Remove” button on each collection item/card.
  • Add confirmation modal/popup when user click Remove button, with collection name info.
  • After remove finished, collection list should be updated without reloading the page.

Add Collection Feature

  • As a user, I can add collection from Collection List page.
  • Show “Add a Collection” button on top of Collection List page.
  • When button clicked, show modal/popup to fill collection name (collection name should be unique) and submit as new collection.
  • After submit finished, new collection should automatically added to the list without reloading Collection List page.
  • Collection Name must unique
  • Collection Name doesn’t have special Char

Collection Detail Page

Collection Detail Info Feature

  • As a user, I can see list of anime that already added to the collection.
  • Show collection name on top of the Collection Detail page.
  • Show all added anime at once on initial load page.
  • Each anime item/card should show anime name & anime cover/banner.
  • User can click the anime item, and will redirect to Anime Detail page.

Remove Anime From Collection Feature

  • As a user, I can remove anime from Collection Detail page.
  • Show “Remove” button on each anime item/card.
  • Add confirmation modal/popup when user click Remove button, with anime title info.
  • After remove finished, anime list should be updated without reloading the page.