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Sequences #759

merged 7 commits into from
Jun 15, 2021
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Add a pretty printer and traversal function for SymSequence.
  • Loading branch information
robdockins committed Jun 15, 2021
commit 93bbbc98fbf0b4c16a5149caefb301defa15bdb1
186 changes: 180 additions & 6 deletions crucible/src/Lang/Crucible/Simulator/SymSequence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

-- Needed for Pretty instance
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence
( SymSequence(..)
, nilSymSequence
Expand All @@ -17,15 +21,22 @@ module Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence
, headSymSequence
, tailSymSequence
, unconsSymSequence
, traverseSymSequence
, concreteizeSymSequence
, prettySymSequence
) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import Prettyprinter (Doc)
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

import Lang.Crucible.Types
import What4.Interface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,7 +86,7 @@ instance Eq (SymSequence sym a) where
-- This will simply produce an internal merge node
-- except in the special case where the then and
-- else branches are sytactically identical.
muxSymSequence :: IsExprBuilder sym =>
muxSymSequence ::
sym ->
Pred sym ->
SymSequence sym a ->
Expand All @@ -100,26 +111,39 @@ symSequenceNonce (SymSequenceCons n _ _ ) = Just n
symSequenceNonce (SymSequenceAppend n _ _) = Just n
symSequenceNonce (SymSequenceMerge n _ _ _) = Just n

evalWithFreshCache ::
evalWithFreshCache ::
((SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a)) -> SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a)) ->
(SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a))

evalWithFreshCache :: MonadIO m =>
((SymSequence sym a -> m (f a)) -> SymSequence sym a -> m (f a)) ->
(SymSequence sym a -> m (f a))
evalWithFreshCache fn s =
do c <- newSeqCache
do c <- liftIO newSeqCache
evalWithCache c fn s

evalWithCache ::
evalWithCache ::
SeqCache f ->
((SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a)) -> SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a)) ->
(SymSequence sym a -> IO (f a))

evalWithCache :: MonadIO m =>
SeqCache f ->
((SymSequence sym a -> m (f a)) -> SymSequence sym a -> m (f a)) ->
(SymSequence sym a -> m (f a))
evalWithCache (SeqCache ref) fn = loop
loop s
| Just n <- symSequenceNonce s =
(MapF.lookup n <$> readIORef ref) >>= \case
(MapF.lookup n <$> liftIO (readIORef ref)) >>= \case
Just v -> pure v
Nothing ->
do v <- fn loop s
modifyIORef ref (MapF.insert n v)
liftIO (modifyIORef ref (MapF.insert n v))
pure v

| otherwise = fn loop s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,6 +345,44 @@ tailSymSequence sym = \s -> getSeqTail <$> evalWithFreshCache f s
t <- appendSymSequence sym tx ys
SeqTail <$> runPartialT sym p (f' px t ty)

traverseSymSequence ::
sym ->
(a -> IO b) ->
SymSequence sym a ->
IO (SymSequence sym b)

-- | Visit every element in the given symbolic sequence,
-- applying the given action, and constructing a new
-- sequence. The traversal is memoized, so any given
-- subsequence will be visited at most once.
traverseSymSequence :: forall m sym a b.
MonadIO m =>
sym ->
(a -> m b) ->
SymSequence sym a ->
m (SymSequence sym b)
traverseSymSequence sym f = \s -> getConst <$> evalWithFreshCache fn s
fn :: (SymSequence sym a -> m (Const (SymSequence sym b) a)) ->
(SymSequence sym a -> m (Const (SymSequence sym b) a))
fn _loop SymSequenceNil = pure (Const SymSequenceNil)
fn loop (SymSequenceCons _ v tl) =
do v' <- f v
tl' <- getConst <$> loop tl
liftIO (Const <$> consSymSequence sym v' tl')
fn loop (SymSequenceAppend _ xs ys) =
do xs' <- getConst <$> loop xs
ys' <- getConst <$> loop ys
liftIO (Const <$> appendSymSequence sym xs' ys')
fn loop (SymSequenceMerge _ p xs ys) =
do xs' <- getConst <$> loop xs
ys' <- getConst <$> loop ys
liftIO (Const <$> muxSymSequence sym p xs' ys')

-- | Using the given evaluation function for booleans, and an evaluation
-- function for values, compute a concrete sequence corresponding
-- to the given symbolic sequence.
Expand All @@ -336,3 +398,115 @@ concreteizeSymSequence conc eval = loop
loop (SymSequenceMerge _ p xs ys) =
do b <- conc p
if b then loop xs else loop ys

instance (IsExpr (SymExpr sym), PP.Pretty a) => PP.Pretty (SymSequence sym a) where
pretty = prettySymSequence PP.pretty

-- | Given a pretty printer for elements,
-- print a symbolic sequence.
prettySymSequence :: IsExpr (SymExpr sym) =>
robdockins marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
(a -> Doc ann) ->
SymSequence sym a ->
Doc ann
prettySymSequence ppa s = if Map.null bs then x else letlayout
occMap = computeOccMap s mempty
(x,bs) = runState (prettyAux ppa occMap s) mempty
letlayout = PP.vcat
["let" PP.<+> (PP.align (PP.vcat [ letbind n d | (n,d) <- Map.toList bs ]))
," in" PP.<+> x
letbind n d = ppSeqNonce n PP.<+> "=" PP.<+> PP.align d

computeOccMap ::
SymSequence sym a ->
Map (Nonce GlobalNonceGenerator a) Integer ->
Map (Nonce GlobalNonceGenerator a) Integer
computeOccMap = loop
visit n k m
| Just i <- Map.lookup n m = Map.insert n (i+1) m
| otherwise = k (Map.insert n 1 m)

loop SymSequenceNil = id
loop (SymSequenceCons n _ tl) = visit n (loop tl)
loop (SymSequenceAppend n xs ys) = visit n (loop xs . loop ys)
loop (SymSequenceMerge n _ xs ys) = visit n (loop xs . loop ys)

ppSeqNonce :: Nonce GlobalNonceGenerator a -> Doc ann
ppSeqNonce n = "s" <> PP.viaShow (indexValue n)

prettyAux ::
IsExpr (SymExpr sym) =>
(a -> Doc ann) ->
Map (Nonce GlobalNonceGenerator a) Integer ->
SymSequence sym a ->
State (Map (Nonce GlobalNonceGenerator a) (Doc ann)) (Doc ann)
prettyAux ppa occMap = goTop
goTop SymSequenceNil = pure (PP.list [])
goTop (SymSequenceCons _ v tl) = pp [] [v] [tl]
goTop (SymSequenceAppend _ xs ys) = pp [] [] [xs,ys]
goTop (SymSequenceMerge _ p xs ys) =
do xd <- pp [] [] [xs]
yd <- pp [] [] [ys]
pure $ {- $ -} PP.hang 2 $ PP.vsep
[ "if" PP.<+> printSymExpr p
, "then" PP.<+> xd
, "else" PP.<+> yd

visit n s =
do dm <- get
case Map.lookup n dm of
Just _ -> return ()
Nothing ->
do d <- goTop s
modify (Map.insert n d)
return (ppSeqNonce n)

finalize [] = PP.list []
finalize [x] = x
finalize xs = PP.sep (PP.punctuate ( <> "<>") (reverse xs))

elemSeq rs = PP.list (map ppa (reverse rs))

addSeg segs [] seg = (seg : segs)
addSeg segs rs seg = (seg : elemSeq rs : segs)

-- @pp@ accumulates both "segments" of sequences (segs)
-- and individual values (rs) to be output. Both are
-- in reversed order. Segments represent sequences
-- and must be combined with the append operator,
-- and rs represent individual elements that must be combined
-- with cons (or, in actuality, list syntax with brackets and commas).

-- @pp@ works over a list of SymSequence values, which represent a worklist
-- of segments to process. Morally, the invariant of @pp@ is that the
-- arguments always represent the same sequence, which is computed as
-- @concat (reverse segs) ++ reverse rs ++ concat ss@

pp segs [] [] = pure (finalize segs)
pp segs rs [] = pure (finalize ( elemSeq rs : segs ))

pp segs rs (SymSequenceNil:ss) = pp segs rs ss

pp segs rs (s@(SymSequenceCons n v tl) : ss)
| Just i <- Map.lookup n occMap, i > 1
= do x <- visit n s
pp (addSeg segs rs x) [] ss

| otherwise
= pp segs (v : rs) (tl : ss)

pp segs rs (s@(SymSequenceAppend n xs ys) : ss)
| Just i <- Map.lookup n occMap, i > 1
= do x <- visit n s
pp (addSeg segs rs x) [] ss

| otherwise
= pp segs rs (xs:ys:ss)

pp segs rs (s@(SymSequenceMerge n _ _ _) : ss)
= do x <- visit n s
pp (addSeg segs rs x) [] ss