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RESTful Chessgame

This project was developed as part of my diploma thesis at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft ( The written elaboration can be found under doc/diploma and was created with the Latex thesis template developed by Matthias Pospiech. (http:

The project can be separated by two modules which are developed with Kotlin. Gradle serves as build tool. As compilation target, the client has JavaScript and the server JVM.

Table of Content


  • Java 8 JRE (to start the project)
  • Java 8 SDK (to build the Project)

Getting Started

Pull repository:

git clone [email protected]:GagaMen/chessgame.git

Move into project folder:

cd chessgame

Build the project:

./gradlew build

Start server with client as static resources:

java -jar server/build/libs/chessgame-server-1.0.0.war

Or use docker compose:

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up -d


Build Server: ./gradlew :server:build

Run Server

  • with gradle: ./gradlew :server:bootRun
  • with jar: java -jar server/build/libs/chessgame-server-1.0.0.jar (without static resources)
  • with war: java -jar server/build/libs/chessgame-server-1.0.0.war (with static resources -> client module)

You have to configure the chess ai server root url and run it separately, because the chess ai server isn't included in the .jar or .war file. (see AI Server)

with Docker

  • docker-compose build (only the first time and after updates necessary)
    • If new updates only affected the chess server you can also rebuild with the following command: docker-compose build chess-server for more performance.
  • docker-compose up -d (use your docker ip with port 8080 by default)
    • If you want to start the server without the client you have to change the config entry to dockerfile-chess-server
  • docker-compose down (shutdown the containers)
  • docker-compose down -v (shutdown the containers and removing volumes)

Note: The database will be persist by default over multiple starts of the server using docker. If you use docker-compose down -v the database will be reseted.

Or Server only (without ai server)

  • docker build -t chess-server -f dockerfile-chess-server . (without static resources)
  • docker build -t chess-server -f dockerfile-chess-server-client . (with static resources)
  • docker run --name chess-server -d -p 8080:8080 chess-server

Don't forgot to configure the ai server root url otherwise it isn't possible to play against the ai player.

Server Configuration

The Server starts on port 8080 by default. If you want to change the port override the server.port config entry in the application.yml file, which is located under src/main/resources. You have to rebuild the project if you overwrites the configuration.

If you are using docker and you change the default spring port, you have to change also the services.chess-server.ports config entry in the docker-compose.yml file. For example if the new port is 8000 the services.chess-server.ports entry have to be 8000:8080.

Entry Points

{id} is a placeholder for a number!

URI Methode Usage
/ GET Get static resources (client module). This only works if you run the .war file.
/api GET Root entry point of the RESTApi
/api/players GET Get a list of all registered players
/api/players POST Create a player
/api/players/{id} GET Get a single player
/api/players/{id} DELETE Delete a single player
/api/players/{id} PATCH Update a single player
/api/matches GET Get a list of all registered matches
/api/matches POST Create a match
/api/matches/{id} GET Get a single match
/api/matches/{id} DELETE Delete a single match
/api/matches/{id}/draws GET Get a list of draws from a match
/api/matches/{id}/pieceSets GET Get the pieceSets from a match
/api/draws GET Get a list of all registered draws
/api/draws POST Create a draw
/api/draws/ai POST Create a draw from ai server
/api/draws/{id} GET Get a single draw

POST /api/players


  • name: String
  • password: String

Send parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

  • name=Test&password=123456

Send parameters via application/json:

  • { "name": "Test", "password": "123456" }

PATCH /api/players/{id}


  • password: String

Send parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

  • password=123456

Send parameters via application/json:

  • { "password": "123456" }

GET /api/matches and /api/matches/{id}


  • includePieceSets (optional: default value is true)

    If true match or matches contains all information about pieceSets

  • includeHistory (optional: default value is true)

    If true match or matches contains all draws

You can request this information later via GET request to URI /matches/{id}/pieceSets and /matches/{id}/draws.

Send parameters via URL:

  • http:https://localhost:8080/matches?includePieceSets=false
  • http:https://localhost:8080/matches/555555?includeHistory=false
  • http:https://localhost:8080/matches?includePieceSets=false&includeHistory=false

POST /api/matches


  • playerWhiteId: Int
  • playerBlackId: Int

Send parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

  • playerWhiteId=1&playerBlackId=2

Send parameters via application/json:

  • { "playerWhiteId": 1, "playerBlackId": 2 }

POST /api/draws


Send parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

  • matchId=1&drawCode=a4&startColumn=1&startRow=2

Send parameters via application/json:

  • { "matchId": 1, "drawCode": "a4", "startColumn": 1, "startRow": 2 }
Column as Int
a 1
b 2
... ...
g 7
h 8

POST /api/draws/ai


  • matchId Int

Send parameters via application/x-www-form-urlencoded:

  • matchId=1

Send parameters via application/json:

  • { "matchId": 1 }

Content Negotiation

The server offers three options to handle content negotiation:

  1. Suffix Strategy

    • http:localhost:8080/players.json
    • http:localhost:8080/players.xml
  2. Parameter Strategy

    • http:localhost:8080/players?mediaType=json
    • http:localhost:8080/players?mediaType=xml
  3. Accept Header Strategy

    • Accept Header: application/json
    • Accept Header: application/xml

see also http:


Visit the document page

Alternative you can build the javadoc with the following task: ./gradlew :server:dokka. The files are generated in the doc/javadoc folder.

AI Server

If you want to start the AI server without docker on an different server for example, then clone my fork from the git project and follow the instruction of this repository. After setup the ai server you have to change the app.aiServerRootUrl config entry (Server Configuration) in the application.yml file, which is located under src/main/resources and rebuild the project.

The default value of this config entry is http:https://chess-ai:5000 which is intended for the docker setup

Run Ai Server with Docker

  • docker build -t chess-ai -f dockerfile-chess-ai .
  • docker run --name chess-ai -d -p 5000:5000 chess-ai

After that you can request your default docker ip with docker-machine ip default and open that with the port 5000 in your browser. You can call docker stop chess-ai to stop and docker start chess-ai to restart the container.


Build Client: ./gradlew :client:build

Run Client

All what you have to do is to copy the dist folder, which is created after run the build task, to your web server.

with Docker

  • docker build -t chess-client -f dockerfile-chess-client .
  • docker run --name chess-client -d -p 8080:80 chess-client

After that you can request your default docker ip with docker-machine ip default and open that with the port 8080 in your browser. You can call docker stop chess-client to stop and docker start chess-client to restart the container.

Don't forget to change the serverRootUrl if you ara using the client separately. (see Client Configuration)

If you pull updates you have to remove first the existing container with the docker rm chess-client command and then you have to repeat the first two commands above.

Client Configuration

  • { "useWindowLocation": true, "serverRootUrl": "", "apiRootEntryPoint": "api/", pollingDelayTime: 5000 }

The client config configuration.json is located under src/main/resources/config. Here you can overwrite the server domain, if you want to implement your own for example or if you want to use another server. By default the server use the window location to set the server root url. If you want to override the server root url set the value useWindowLocation to false and the serverRootUrl to your own url. The pollingDelayTime config entry defines the delay of the polling task, which automatically starts if a match is started. This task listen for updates and re-render the view if any exists.

Don't touch the apiRootEntryPoint config entry!!!