ALADIN (mitochondriAL circulAr Dna reconstItutioN) uses DNA long reads (Nanopore or Pacbio) and a reference sequence to assemble the mitochondrial genome.
- Programs
- Python Libraries
- Biopython
- docopt -r reference -i reads
./ -r <FILE> -i <FILE> [-o <DIR>] [-d <STR>] [-m <STR>] [-l <INT>]
[-f <FLOAT>] [-s <STR>] [-t <INT>] [--cleanup]
-h, --help show options
-r, --reference <FILE> reference input
-i, --reads <FILE> Reads input
-o, --dir_output <DIR> creates a directory for all output files [default: results]
-d, --data_format <STR> (N) Nanopore or (P) Pacbio [default: N]
-m, --mode <STR> (M) Mitochondion or (C) Chloroplast [default: M]
-l, --length <INT> break reads into chunks of this length [default: 4000]
-f, --fraction <FLOAT> fraction of length at which the end of the sequence gets split into a new sequence [default: 0.1]
-s, --genome_size <INT> set expected size in kb [default: 20]
-t, --threads <INT> number of threads [default: 3]
--cleanup remove intermediate files
--version print version