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Developed by Bess Corbitt, Jenny Fisher, and Helen Amos
Updated for 2x2.5 compatibility by Noelle Selin
Based on original routines by Noelle Selin, Chris Holmes, Anne Soerensen
(and likely others)

Last updated 30 Nov 2011

This directory contains a set of IDL scripts used to benchmark new and
updated versions of the GEOS-Chem mercury model. The primary script
used is MERCURY_BENCHMARK; this will call all other necessary routines.

Also included are various data to which the model versions are compared
(data/ directory) and saved GEOS-Chem fields (GEOS-Chem_fields/ 

To use these benchmarking scripts, you will need to define the 
!BENCHMARK system variable as the location in your home directory where
the benchmark directory will be stored. This can be done in an
idl_startup file using the following lines:
   benchmark = '/home/username/benchmark'
   DefSysV, '!BENCHMARK',Exists=Exists
   if (not Exists ) then DefSysV,'!BENCHMARK',BENCHMARK
There may be other ways to do this as well.

Included in this directory are tracerinfo.dat and diaginfo.dat files.
However, you may want to replace these with the versions created by
your simulations.

The benchmarking scripts compare a "new" model run to a "reference"
simulation. If no reference file is specified, the new run will be
compared to the default file (included here) default.4x5.ctm.bpch. This
file uses the model version documented in Amos et al. 2011 (currently 
in revision for ACP) which is based on v9-01-01 but with a number of
updates making it roughly reflective of v9-01-02. There is also a default
2x2.5 file (default.2x2.5.ctm.bpch) that can be used instead, but you
will need to specify this as the reference file since the 4x5 file is
the default. The 2x2.5 file is also roughly reflective of v9-01-02 and
was created by Noelle Selin.

To run the benchmarking procedures, enter the following at an IDL prompt:

Here, FILENAME is the name of the file containing output for the "new"
run, REFERENCE is the name of the file containing output for the
"reference" run, PSFILENAME is the name of the postscript in which the
output will be saved (default is, ppq allows you
to plot all atmospheric data in ppq instead of the default ng/m3, and
CHEMISTRY can be set to 'Br' (default) or 'OHO3' to reflect the
chemistry used in your simulation.

If you have questions, please contact
Bess Corbitt: [email protected]
Jenny Fisher: [email protected]
Helen Amos:   [email protected]
Noelle Selin: [email protected]