A mini clone of the Lodash library.
BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.
This project was created and published by me as part of my learnings at Lighthouse Labs.
Install it:
npm install @froyonom/lotide
Require it:
const _ = require('@froyonom/lotide');
Call it:
const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]
The following functions are currently implemented:
countOnly: (arrayItems: any, itemsToCount: any) => {}
:- Count the occurences of values in an array.
eqArrays: (arrayOne: any, arrayTwo: any) => boolean
:- Compare whether two arrays are perfectly equal.
eqObjects: (objectOne: any, objectTwo: any) => boolean
:- Compare whether two objects share a perfect set of key:value pairs.
findKey: (object: any, value: any) => string
:- Find a key in an object when given a possible value.
letterPosition: (stringToCount: any) => {}
:- Find the positions of each letter in a string (excluding spaces).
flatten: (array: any) => any
:- Create a single-level array given an array including nested arrays.
head: (array: any) => any
:- Find the first element of an array.
middle: (array: any) => any[]
:- Find the middle-most elements of an array.
tail: (array: any) => any
:- Find all elements excluding the first element of an array.
- src for functions
- test for tests
- functions
- Arrow Functions
- Newlines for function executions
- double-ticks for strings
- Tests are name in camelcase and non plural
- When importing files, we will not be adding .js at the end of a file:
const variable = require(../src/functionName)