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FritzsHero edited this page Sep 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

RoadArchitect Online manual

General structure in scene

  • Road Architect System - this is the master GameObject for roads. Located at the root level of the hierarchy. (RoadSystem.cs)
  • Road - attached to each created road. Contains options which modify this specific road. Located as a child of a Road Architect System GameObject. (Road.cs)
  • Road Node - is an individual point on the road. Contains multiple options and is the primary place in which bridges, edge objects and more are created. Located as a child of a Spline, which is a child of a Road. (SplineN.cs)
  • Intersection - contains all options regarding an intersection. Located as a child of the "Intersections" GameObject, which is a child of a Road Architect System GameObject. (RoadIntersection.cs)
  • Splatmap Creator - this script component is attached to each terrain in the scene. Contains 8 options for creating and exporting splat maps. Located on each Terrain. (RoadTerrain.cs)

How to contribute?

If you want to help develop RoadArchitect u can create tickets and submit patches. I strongly recommend to use this Developer Environment I created for RoadArchitect which contains tests, scenes and notes for developers of RoadArchitect:

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