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These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with considerations for maintaining and extending as the project grows. Adopting these practices can also contribute to avoiding code smells, refactoring code, and Agile or Adaptive software development.

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These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with considerations for maintaining and extending as the project grows. Adopting these practices can also contribute to avoiding code smells, refactoring code, and Agile or Adaptive software development.

SOLID stands for:

  1. S - Single-responsiblity Principle : Each class should be responsible for a single part or functionality of the system
  2. O - Open-closed Principle : Software components should be open for extension, but not for modification.
  3. L - Liskov Substitution Principle : Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without breaking the system.
  4. I - Interface Segregation Principle : No client should be forced to depend on methods that it does not use.
  5. D - Dependency Inversion Principle : High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, both should depend on abstractions.


These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with considerations for maintaining and extending as the project grows. Adopting these practices can also contribute to avoiding code smells, refactoring code, and Agile or Adaptive software development.







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