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User space filesystem for Telegram attachments

API, Protocol documentation

Documentation for Telegram API is available here: http:

Documentation for MTproto protocol is available here: http:

Installation from source

Install libs


sudo apt-get install fuse libfuse-dev libjansson-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev

Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S fuse2 jansson readline libevent


sudo dnf install fuse-devel libjansson-devel readline-devel readline-devel openssl-devel libevent-devel

Clone GitHub Repository

git clone --recursive && cd tgfs


./configure && make

Then, install

sudo make install

Installation from AUR (Archlinux)

yaourt -S tgfs


You must run telegram-tgfs before the first launch of tgfs. telegram-tgfs is telegram-cli patched to show list of attachments. After you have logged in you can use tgfs.


Create empty dir

mkdir mnt

Mount tgfs

tgfs mnt

ls -l interpretation

Filesystem root

$ ls -l mnt

drwx------ 0 firemoon firemoon 0 jan 12 21:12  Alex_Ivanov
drwx-----T 0 firemoon firemoon 0 jan 12 22:22  Firemoon777
dr-x------ 0 firemoon firemoon 0 jan  1  1970  Wizard's_jokes

  1. Permissions
    • rwx = user or chat (you can share anything)
    • r-x = public channel
    • sticky bit = self chat
  2. atime, ctime, mtime = last seen time
    • if time is equal to zero POSIX time, it means last active time is unknown
  3. display name

Directories with attachments

$ ls  Firemoon777/
Audio  Documents  Photo  Video  Voice

Directory with all voice messages

$ ls -lh  Firemoon777/Voice/
-r-------- 1 firemoon firemoon 2,9K aug 31  2015 '2015-08-31 08:30:08 - 1527876055.ogg'
-r-------- 1 firemoon firemoon 4,9K sep 28  2015 '2015-09-28 07:09:20 - 3870023017.ogg

Sending document to user

cp ~/ test/Documents/Firemoon777/

Sending any media to user (file extention is important!)

cp ~/000.gif mnt/Firemoon777/ # Uploaded as gif
cp ~/001.jpg mnt/Firemoon777/ # Uploaded as photo
cp ~/ mnt/Firemoon777/ # Uploaded as document

Removing media (required --enable-unlink mount option)

rm mnt/tgfs/Photo/remove_test.jpg

To do list:

  • Show profile picture
  • Setting profile photo with cp
  • Removing attachments with rm
  • FIFO-like files for chatting

Known issues

  • No dialog list reloading (if you start a new chat, you should unmount and mount tgfs again)
  • No progress bars (big file will be copied in few seconds, but appears in tg within a minute)
  • No multithreading
  • Files with spaces in name doesn't upload


Project chat: