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A chess project I worked on. This is a simple two player console game with no A.I opponents. I really enjoyed doing this. And even though I know that this isn't the best chess program out there, it works and all the pieces move as they should. That's something.

Getting Started

Visual Studio 2019 is recommended,

Start by cloning the repository or downloading the zip file.

Once downloaded, open folder and run the "GenerateProject.bat" file. This will create a Visual studio 2019 solution.

Alternatively, you can enter this command on the command prompt within the folder -> premake5.exe vs2019 You can generate solutions for vs2019, vs2017, vs2010 etc.

"ChessPrjct.h" is the header file containing the "piece", "square" and "chessboard" classes. "ChessPrjct.cpp" is a cpp file with the definitions for the classes mentioned above as well as a few functions. "main.cpp" contains the draw() function and the main game loop.

Things I've managed to implement:

-> A "chessboard" class that contains an 8x8 array of "Square" objects

-> A generic "piece" class that allows us to create specific pieces. i.e Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queens and Kings

-> A move system. Making use of "from-to" coordinates, e.g: 7555 moves (row,col)=(7,5) to (row,col)=(5,5)

-> Move validation. Check to see if a given move is legal. Can that piece move like that?

-> And a Turn system. Check to see if it's black's or whites turn

-> Pawn promotions

-> Kings are always seperated from each other by at least one square in every direction.

-> Checks, and

-> Checkmate

Things I have not managed to implement:

-> en-passant captures,

-> castling.

I might come back in the future and add in what's missing.

Take a look, run the code, and contribute if you'd like!