This bot has the following goals:
- Tweet links from feeds of interesting websites. [Done]
- Retweet and like "interesting" tweets
- Schedule posts based on a publication timetable (with exceptions - like "publish now"), made from a Telegram bot interface.
- Save every tweet in the database, to do some analysis - based on interactions. [Done]
- A web based interface to let users review the sources of news.
- Use a shortlink system while publishing tweets, to track clicks and understand which feeds are more interesting for the users. [Done]
The feed rss is now powered by the feeds_handler module.
Why telegram? Because I like the option to schedule a post by just sending a message on Telegram. I already use it to send links through telegram, but it's not possible to schedule tweets (yet).
A systemd service for the telegram bot + crontab for recurring fetches. Example of crontab setup:
/home/bots/distributed-systems-bot/bin/distributed-systems-bot --fetch-rss --config /home/bots/distributed-systems-bot/bin/config.yaml 2>&1 > /home/bots/distributed-systems-bot/logs/crontab-fetch-rss.out
- example crontab:
0 * * * * /home/bots/distributed-systems-bot/run.sh