A small Elixir application that creates Identicon PNG images for user-defined character sequences.
The application consists of a main pipeline that takes a string passed as argument and uses it for for Identicon generation.
Intended for use through Elixir's interactive shell.
Created as a learning experience through The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp course by Stephen Grider.
Please ensure you have both Elixir and Erlang installed and available on your machine. Should you use asdf to manage versions in your system, a .tool-versions
file is available in this project.
Afterwards, simply run the command below on your terminal at this project's root directory:
mix deps.get
With dependencies installed, simply open the Elixir interactive shell:
iex -S mix
Then import this application's main module:
iex> ElixirIdenticon
Generate Identicons by passing a desired string to main
iex> ElixirIdenticon.main("example")
Generated images are written to the /outputs/