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QR Code Scanner

Vert.x Html5-QRCode Html5-QRCode

This is a web-based QR code scanner that reads a file line by line and checks if text exists in that file.

To run it on HTTP, you must provide the address of the input file and the address to save the output file:

 java -jar .\target\qrcodescanner-1.0.0-fat.jar -i "Your Input File Address" -o "Your Output File Address"

If you want to run it on HTTPS, you must set SSL to true and provide the application with your KeyStore address and password:

 java -jar qrcodescanner-1.0.0-fat.jar -i "Your Input File Address" -o "Your Output File Address" -ssl "true" -k "Your KeyStore Address" -p "Your KeyStore Password"

For creating a self-hosted KeyStore, use the following command:

keytool -genkeypair -alias aliasName -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystoreName.jks -validity 3650