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< with vibe, frequency & joy /> πŸͺ¬

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I am a multifaceted professional, currently pursuing my 4th degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Pontifical Catholic University of SΓ£o Paulo (PUC-SP), with a focus on Humanistic AI. My diverse educational background includes Psychology, also at PUC-SP, Design at UCSD in San Diego, California, and Analysis and Systems Development at the Impacta University of Technology. Additionally, I am an enthusiast and self-taught in Physics and Quantum Computing, which allows me to make fascinating connections between distinct fields. This interdisciplinary journey gives me a unique perspective for tackling complex problems. My solid foundation in Psychology is fundamental for creating AI systems aligned with human needs and values. I utilize my knowledge of behavior and cognition to develop intuitive and empathetic AI interfaces, as well as to mitigate algorithmic biases, ensuring fair and equitable AI.

Insights from quantum physics help develop robust predictive models, while my understanding of the human psyche contributes to user-centered software solutions. This convergence of areas opens fascinating windows to explore the nature of reality and consciousness.

I integrate knowledge in Graphic Design, Front-End Development, Artificial Inteligence Data Sience and Quantum Computing as a enthusiast to create innovative and impactful solutions in the digital world. I am excited about the possibilities of this combination of skills and eager to contribute to projects that share this vision.

My goal is to excel in the field of Software Development and be part of the ever-evolving movement of AI and Quantum Computing. Through continuous education, hard work, and collaboration with other technology enthusiasts, I aspire to drive innovation and contribute to the advancement of science, AI and quantum computing for the benefit of humanity

For a fascinating exploration of the connections between quantum physics and psychology, I highly recommend the article "When Quantum Physicists Met Freud and Jung". This article provides a unique synthesis of these seemingly distinct disciplines and is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersections of science, art and the human mind.

πŸ”— Read the article "When Quantum Physicists Met Freud and Jung" badge

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