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Freva server - client structure

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This repository contains the freva-rest services defining rest endpoints that make up the freva server services as well as the client services that provide command line interfaces and python libraries for their rest service counterparts.

Table of Contents


  1. Make sure you have Python 3.11+ installed.
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:FREVA-CLINT/freva-nextgen.git
cd freva-nextgen
  1. Install flit: Flit is used as the build system for development purpose. Install flit into your current python environment:
python3 -m pip install flit
  1. Install the rest-api:
pip install -e freva-rest
  1. Install the client library
pip install -e freva-client

Development Environment

Various services, such as apache solr are needed to run the rest services system in a development environment. Here we set up these services in a containers using the docker-compose or podman-compose command, ensure you have docker-compose or podman-compose installed on your system. Then, run the following command:

docker-compose -f dev-env/docker-compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans

if you use podman-compose:

podman-compose -f dev-env/docker-compose.yaml up -d --remove-orphans

This will start the required services and containers to create the development environment. You can now develop and test the project within this environment.

After the containers are up and running you can start the REST server the following:

freva-rest-server -c api_config.toml --debug --dev

The --debug and --dev flag will make sure that any changes are loaded. You can choose any port you like. Furthermore the --dev flag will pre load any existing test data. If you don't like that simply do not pass the --dev flag.


Unit tests, Example notebook tests, type annotations and code style tests are done with tox. To run all tests, linting in parallel simply execute the following command:

tox -p 3

You can also run the each part alone, for example to only check the code style:

tox -e lint

available options are lint, types, test.

Tox runs in a separate python environment to run the tests in the current environment use:


Creating a new release.

Once the development is finished and you decide that it's time for a new release of the software use the following command to trigger a release procedure:

tox -e release

This will check the current version of the main branch and trigger a GitHub continuous integration pipeline to create a new release. The procedure performs a couple of checks, if theses checks fail please make sure to address the issues.

Docker production container

It's best to use the system in production within a dedicated docker container. You can pull the container from the GitHub container registry:

docker pull

There are two fundamental different options to configure the service.

  1. via the config .toml file.
  2. via environment variables.

Note, that the order here is important. First, any configuration from the config file is loaded, only if the configuration wasn't found in the config file environment variables are evaluated. The following environment variables can be set:

  • DEBUG: Start server in debug mode (1), (default: 0 -> no debug).
  • API_PORT: the port the rest service should be running on (default 8080).
  • API_WORKER: the number of multi-process work serving the API (default: 8).
  • SOLR_HOST: host name of the solr server, host name and port should be separated by a :, for example localhost:8983
  • SOLR_CORE : name of the solr core that contains datasets with multiple versions
  • MONGO_HOST: host name of the mongodb server, where query statistics are stored. Host name and port should separated by a :, for example localhost:27017
  • MONGO_USER: user name for the mongodb.
  • MONGO_PASSWORD: password to log on to the mongodb.
  • MONGO_DB: database name of the mongodb instance.

📝 You can override the path to the default config file using the API_CONFIG environment variable. The default location of this config file is /opt/databrowser/api_config.toml.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.