This is a STM32F030F4 VGA library + project for HaD 2016 Contest Entry.
Project webpage:
The individual license(s) are in each directories.
font conv/
source code + Windows console executable for a font conversion program. It imports GLCD font Creator file and converter it to a C font table of the comverted scan line bitmaps that is to be used with the VGA library.
The converter is compiled using Pelles C
"GLCD Font Creator" MikroElektronika
Project webpage:
Code in this directory is licensed under "Simplified BSD License"
STM32F030F4/Hardware/LT Spice Simulation files in this directory is licensed under "Simplified BSD License"
STM32F030F4/Hardware/Sketchup 3D Model Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs International
This is to prevent someone photoshopping this as their own project for crowd-funding scams. You are free to generate your own model using Eagleup from your new layout.
STM32F030F4/Hardware/ Schematic/Layout is distributed with Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial
If you want to sell this and want a different licensing term, please contact me.
Source code distributed under GPLV3.
Update: Madis Kaal wrote 10/24/2017 at 23:22 I've branched the code and added VT100 emulation, see